studyweek is an iOS App made by me and Meriton Aliu.
Check it out on the App Store and leave 5 Stars!
A few things, might want to take a look at my repos ;)
- I achieved 3rd place in Zürich and 8th place overall in the "Regionalmeisterschaften"
- I passed my Informatiker Applikationsentwicklung EFZ with a 5.5 (CTRL+F "Anes" to find me)
💻: I commercially work on a RedHat system and privately on an M2 MacBook Air
⚙️: My Terminal of choice is Alacritty with tmux and zsh. Check out my .zshrc here
✍️: As my IDE I use nvim with my own nvchad config. I used to have my own vim config which you can find here
I hope to fill this list a bit more, but as of now, here are some of my open-source contributions:
- The ruby text-hyphen library
- Tracky, a redmine plugin
- Gnosis, a redmine plugin
- The pushdown-automaton npm package
- blank-package.ts, an npm package template
📝: Check out my blogs on!
🕸: I also have a portfolio page
🔗: You can also find me on LinkedIn