This is a MERN scaffolding cli boilerplate app(MongoDB, Express, React-Redux and Node.js) based on Express app skeleton. Helps you to quick start MERN project with deploy scripts, tests and code quality control.
$ sudo npm install @polesskiy/cli-mern-boilerplate -g
$ cli-mern-boilerplate init --name <name of yor project>
$ cd <name of yor project>
$ npm install
$ npm run start:dev
$ start localhost:3000
#see help
$ cli-mern-boilerplate -h --help
#init your project in the current directory
$ cli-mern-boilerplate init --name <name of yor project>
1. npm start - starts server by pm2 (for production)
2. npm stop - stop server by pm2 (for production)
3. npm run logs - see pm2 logs (for production)
4. npm run start:dev - build client and run server with HMR
5. npm run start:server - starts server
6. npm run build:client - build client, pack js and css to separate files to public/bundle
7. npm run build:client:production - same as build:client but minifies result
8. npm run test:client - test client by karma runner
9. npm run test:server - test server by mocha
10. npm run docs:client - generate client code jsdoc
11. npm run docs:server - generate server code jsdoc
12. npm test - runs server and client test
Server | Client | Test | Build | Code quality |
nodejs | react | mocha | docker | eslint |
express | redux | karma | pm2 | editorconfig |
mongodb | redux-saga | chai | babel | babel-preset-airbnb |
mongoose | redux-actions | enzyme | travis | eslint-config-airbnb |
winston | router | supertest | webpack | |
immutable | phantomjs | hmr | ||
less | ExtractTextPlugin | |||
UglifyJsPlugin |
#build all by Dockerfile instructions image named as "username/appname"
$ docker build -t username/appname .
#run on 3000 port to internal 3000 port with name "appname"
$ docker run -name appname -p 8080:3000 username/appname
#stop docker process
$ docker stop appname
#save image to tarball
$ docker save username/appname:my_latest > appname.tar.gz
#load image
$ docker load < appname.tar.gz