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Bangkit 2021 Capstone Team : Law's Tech Team (B21-CAP0036)

Hello everyone!. Here is our repository for Bangkit 2021 Capstone project. Our team consist of 2 Machine Learning, 2 Android, and 2 Cloud Computing.

Our Knights

Nama Bangkit-ID Path
Muhammad Bondan Vitto Ramadhan M0040231 Machine Learning
Muhammad Ikhwan Khalid Nasution M0121267 Machine Learning
Adimas Fachri Ranunegoro C0121288 Cloud Computing
Agnesia Indryany Mangopo C0121278 Cloud Computing
Alex Lianardo A0121283 Android
Annisaa Utami A2242180 Android

What is this project

We make a mobile application named APLOD (Aman Pesannya Let’s gO uploaD). APLOD is a hate speech comment detector application integrated with ITE Law. With this application, everyone can check whether a sentence contains harmful words that can violate ITE Law before uploading it to social media. We want to reduce hate comments made by Indonesian people on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, etc. Hate comments not only can hurt someone but also can lead to ITE Law violation.

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Tech Stacks


Our Model Performance

Aplod-Net has been trained on over 10.000 labeled Sentences and got 85% accuracy on test data



Guidance for running our model on local

Make sure you intalled all this dependencies first on your local machine. You can use conda virtual env for making things easier with pip


For using our NLP Model, You must clone our repository first with this following command :

git clone

after cloning the repository, go to the aplod directory and run the following command on your favorite CLI (make sure you are in /aplod directory) :

uvicorn app:app --host= --port=${PORT:-5000}

We already provide you all of the data set and NLP model, so you just need to run the command above

You can also test our API Here

Library Used in Android Application

  1. RecyclerView
  2. Lifecycle
  3. Glide
  4. CircleImageView by hdodenhof
  5. Retrofit 2
  6. Material Design

Fork Repository

In order to duplicate our repository to become your repository on your own github account, you need to fork this repository image
Forking repository allows you to modificate this project without affecting the original project.

Clone Repository

Download code from branch "main" OR 2. Clone Repository. Click on dropdown Code and copy HTTPS link 2. Clone Repository. Click on dropdown Code and copy HTTPS link
Image Copy HTTPS

git clone

Next Step

  1. Work on the project locally in your own computer
  2. Create new Branch based on the feature you make using " git checkout -b <new_branch> "
    Example :
git checkout -b layout-member
  1. Commit changes to your branch. Don't forget to give proper commit message so other people can understand it
git commit -m "add layout-member"
  1. Push to your branch
git push origin layout-member

Project Update



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