original readme below
a rewrite of the gold-bar-tracker to be multiplatform and do a few more things
- setup a venv
- install python3-tk
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- run the script with python
Very Cool Gold Bar Tracker that now tracks Sands and custom stuff also.
Don't judge my coding, I learnt Python just to make this app :) Big thanks to Monbanz for helping me create this.
Let me know if you find any bugs or have suggestions.
App is set to Always be on Top. I may or may not add a toggle for this in the future.
Change the files in the img folder if you'd like to customise the app icons. The program will automatically resize them but if you'd like to do it manually, the large icons are 50x50px and the small icons are 25x25px. Images MUST be .png files.
If updating from a previous version, replace the data.json file in the zip with your old data.json file.
Go to the latest release on the sidebar and download the zip file for the compiled .exe files
Use trackerLight.exe for a light theme.
Use trackerDark.exe for a dark theme.
Left Click to increase count by 1 Right Click or Middle Click to decrease count by 1
Click Reset -> Yes to reset the tab you're on to 0.