Architecture 2030 Baseline Tool in partnership with Maalka ( for Assessing Building Energy Efficiency Relative to National Median Performance for similar building types.
The EPA is in the process of updating its comparison and goal setting tools to be driven by newly available 2012 data. The goal of this tool is to provide users (e.g. building owners, 2030 members) with an engaging and intuitive tool with which they can effectively compare their energy-use intensity with similar buildings types, understanding the change of their energy-use efficiency over time, and to set energy-use intensity targets for achieving desired performance scores based on 2003 CBECS data. Basing the tool functionality on the 2003 CBECS dataset will enable 2030 members to maintain pre-existing goals and baselines so that progress can continue to be consistently measured
The JavaScript modules are organized as follows:
|- app
|-- assets
|--- javascripts <- contains all the JavaScript/CoffeeScript modules
|---- app.js <- app module, wires everything together
|---- main.js <- tells RequireJS how to load modules and bootstraps the app
|---- common/ <- a module, in this case
|----- main.js <- main file of the module, loads all sub-files in this folder
|----- filters.js <- common's filters
|----- directives/ <- common's directives
|----- services/ <- common's services
|---- ...
- Load dependencies via
sbt update
- Run via
sbt ~run
- Go to localhost:9000
This uses the normal JavaScript files and loads libraries from the downloaded WebJars.
- Run
sbt testProd
- Produce executable via
sbt clean dist
- Extract
unzip target/universal/
- Run
maalka-benchmark--2.x.x/bin/maalka-benchmark- -Dhttp.port=9000 -Dconfig.resource=prod.conf
This uses the uglified JavaScript files, versioned and compressed assets, and loads WebJars resources from the jsDelivr CDN.
- run sbt debian:packageBin
- dpkg -i target/maalka-benchmark_<>.deb
- apt-get install -f
To remove a previous version of maalka-benchmark
- dpkg --remove maalka-benchmark
To see what version is installed
- dpkg-query -l | grep maalka-benchmark