This repository contains the projects developed for the Robotics course at CIn-UFPE. The projects focus on implementing and controlling robotic systems, with emphasis on 2D robotic arm manipulation.
The repository is organized into projects, each containing one or more questions:
├── project1/
│ ├── q1/ # Question 1: 2D Transformations
│ │ └── # SE2 transformations implementation
│ ├── q2/ # Question 2: Robotic Arm
│ │ └── # FK/IK implementation
│ └── q3/ # Question 3: Trajectory Planning
│ └── # Joint and Euclidean space trajectories
├── env_project/ # Virtual environment (not tracked)
├── .gitignore
Located in project1/q1/
, this implementation includes:
- SE(2) transformations for translation and rotation
- Functions for coordinate frame transformations
- Test cases for different reference frame scenarios
Located in project1/q2/
, this implementation includes:
- Forward Kinematics (FK) implementation
- Inverse Kinematics (IK) implementation
- Simulation with link lengths a1 = a2 = 1m
Located in project1/q3/
, this implementation includes:
- Joint-space trajectory planning with trapezoidal velocity profile
- Euclidean-space trajectory planning with straight-line motion
- Visualization using Robotics Toolbox
- Motion constraints (maximum velocity and acceleration)
- Interactive trajectory visualization with GIF generation
Details will be added when the second project is assigned.
The project uses the following dependencies:
- Python 3.x
- NumPy
- Math (Python standard library)
- Robotics Toolbox (
) - for visualization
git clone [repository-url]
cd robotic-arm-control
# Install venv if not already installed
sudo apt-get install python3-venv # For Ubuntu/Debian
# Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv env_project
# Activate virtual environment
source env_project/bin/activate
# Create virtual environment
python -m venv env_project
# Activate virtual environment
With the virtual environment activated (you should see (env_project)
in your terminal):
pip install numpy roboticstoolbox-python
When you're done working on the project:
With the virtual environment activated, you can run each question's implementation:
# For Question 1 (2D Transformations)
python3 -m project1.q1.main
# For Question 2 (Robotic Arm)
python3 -m project1.q2.main
# For Question 3 (Trajectory Planning)
python3 -m project1.q3.main
SE2_xy(x, y)
- Creates a 2D homogeneous transformation matrix for translation
- Parameters:
- x: translation along x-axis (meters)
- y: translation along y-axis (meters)
- Returns: 3x3 homogeneous transformation matrix
- Creates a 2D homogeneous transformation matrix for rotation
- Parameters:
- theta: rotation angle around origin (radians)
- Returns: 3x3 homogeneous transformation matrix
Forward Kinematics (fk)
- Calculates end-effector position and orientation
- Parameters:
- theta1: first joint angle (radians)
- theta2: second joint angle (radians)
- Returns: (x, y, theta) coordinates and orientation
Inverse Kinematics (ik)
- Calculates joint angles for desired end-effector position
- Parameters:
- x: desired x-coordinate (meters)
- y: desired y-coordinate (meters)
- Returns: (theta1, theta2) joint angles
Joint Space Trajectory (traj_joint)
- Plans a trajectory in joint space with trapezoidal velocity profile
- Parameters:
- theta1_init, theta2_init: initial joint angles
- theta1_final, theta2_final: final joint angles
- Returns: Array of joint configurations over time
Euclidean Space Trajectory (traj_eucl)
- Plans a straight-line trajectory in Euclidean space
- Parameters:
- x_init, y_init: initial position
- x_final, y_final: final position
- Returns: Array of joint configurations over time
Both trajectory types:
- Respect maximum velocity (V_MAX) and acceleration (A_MAX) constraints
- Generate smooth motion profiles
- Provide visualization through Robotics Toolbox
- Export motion as GIF animations
Virtual Environment Not Activating (Windows)
- If you get a permission error, try running PowerShell as administrator
- Make sure execution policy allows running scripts:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Virtual Environment Not Found
- Ensure you're in the project root directory when creating/activating the environment
- Check if Python is properly installed and added to PATH
Robotics Toolbox Installation Issues
- Make sure you have all required system dependencies installed
- Try installing with pip:
pip install roboticstoolbox-python --upgrade
- Students: Arthur Brito, Bianca Duarte, Matheus Boncsidai
- Course: IF826 - Robotics
- Institution: Centro de Informática, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (CIn-UFPE)
- Year: 2024