Specify cluster-load details in
source/destination: ...source/destination-node(s), seperated by ","
source-port/destination-port: ...couchbase port
bucket-name: of bucket
bucket-password: ...bucket's password
bucket-memQuota: ...bucket's memQuota (automation not yet)
json=false: ...doesn't spawn JSON values
item-count: of sets
item-size: ...size of each item (approximation)
prefix: ...prefix of generated keys
exp-ratio: ...ratio of item-count to be expired
expiration-time: ...expirtaion time
del-ratio: ...ratio of item-count to be deleted (disjoint with exp-ratio)
add-count: ...items to add
upd-ratio: ...ratio of item-count + add-count to be updated
(with expiration time)
replication-starts-first: ...false => setm immediately after setrm
true => setm's run after all setrm's + timed_wait (10s)
biXDCR=false: ...set to true if biXDCR replication and front end needed on
destination as well
parallelFrontEnds=false: ...Front end to run parallely on src and dest if set to true
doVerify=true: run or to not run verification module
write-date-to-file=true: write or to not write all data content to log files in
verification module
- Program prompts user to setup cluster, the bucket, replication(s)
- All the sets
- All the deletes
- All the adds
- All the updates
- Verification (if flag set to true)
- Multiple instances of this project can be used to run against multiple buckets
To compile:
make compile
To execute:
make run
To remove .class files:
make clean
To remove log.txt files:
make removelogs
Helper ...Parent class that orchestrates all the operations
Setrunner ...Class that runs sets, be it with expires or not, will populate
hashtables used in verification
Addrunner ...Class that runs adds, be it with expires or not, will populate
hashtables used in verification
Delrunner ...Class that runs deletes, will populate hashtables used in
verification, del-ratio works on item-count for now
Updrunner ...Class that runs updates, updates upd-ratio number of items
on (item-count + add-count)
Verification ...Retrieve Data and MetaData of all items from destination,
repopulate destination's hashtable, and compare source's
and destination's hashtables
Stronghold ...Stores attributes retrieved from, hashtables
used in verification declared here
Hashstructure ...Hashtables (used in verification) will have key as the item's
key, and value as an instance of this class (which contains
the document and metadata)
DelayedOps ...In case of replication-starts-first flag set to true, an
arraylist with data being an instance of this class (which
contains key, value, metadata) is populated for setWithMeta
commands to run once all the setReturnMetas complete + a timeout
threshold of 10s
Spawner ...Creates JSON documents if json set to true in
ClusterSetup ...To setup the cluster based on specifications (NOT IN USE)