- Course 1- Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software.
- Course 2- Java Programming: Array, Lists and Structured Data.
- Course 3- Java Programming: Principles of Software Design.
- Capstone Project: Building Movie Recommender System.
Course 1 Functions:
- Temperature, humidity analysis by parsing CSV dataset.
- DNA analysis, Codon finding and Genome detection using String extraction from real DNA data.
- Export-Import data analysis by parsing CSV dataset.
- Human name analysis based on dataset of 1880-2014 of United States.
- Image Inversion.
- Image Grayscale conversion.
Course 2 Functions:
- Word analysis (frequency, max, min etc) using ArrayList.
- Object Oriented Caeser Cipher encryption algorithm implementation using ArrayList, HashMap.
- Character detection and listing from Shakespeare's drama dataset.
- Automated story generator from template and word dataset.
- Webserver log analysis and traffic monitoring using HashMap, HashSet.
- Vigenere Cipher encryption and decryption algorithm (tested on 8 languages)
Course 3 Functions:
- Parsing earthquake data, filtering and classifying quakes based on depth, magnitude, distance (using Android Location library).
- Implementing bubble and selection sort. Setting comparator, comparable for using Java sorting library.
- Predictive text generation.
- Implementation of Markov model using Interface, Abstraction, Polymorphism. N-gram Markov model for generating text from training data.
Capstone Project: Building Movie Recommender System Visit the recommender repository.
NOTICE: This repository contains the source code of programming exercises as a reference for learning and troubleshooting throughout the courses. You shouldn't just copy & paste the codes by any means to fulfill any bad motive. Please, use the resource as a reference to make your learning and problem solving better. Thank You.
Developed by @asimuzzaman