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henry-herrmann edited this page Nov 8, 2024 · 5 revisions

Rubnews Page

Not full implemented yet!

This page is to provide a basic overview about the "Rubnews" feature located inside lib/pages/rubnews.


Type Name Description
Future<Either<Failure, List<RubnewsNewsEntity>>> getNewsList() Return a list of RubnewsNewsEntity or a Failure. It wil store the returned list for further caching in a local datsource.


Type Name Description
Future<Either<Failure, List<RubnewsNewsEntity>>> getNewsfeedAsXml() Return a list of RubnewsNewsEntity or a Failure. With the help of RubnewsNewsModel it will parse the XML response of RubnewsRemoteDatasource to the corresponding entity. The requested events are coming from the RUB News site at


Type Name Description
Future<XmlDocument> getNewsfeedAsXml() Request news feed from Throws a server exception if respond code is not 200.
Future<CachedNetworkImage> getImageFromNewsUrl() Request image of linked news. Throws a server excpetion if respond code is not 200. (Disclaimer: Image-handling should not part of this layer.)
Future<String> getImageUrlFromNewsUrl() Read out the image source url, based on the news url. Throws a server exception if respond code is not 200.



Type Name Description
String content HTML Content of News
String title
String description Short Summary
String url
DateTime pubDate Date of Publishing
List<String> imageUrls List of Urls to images source. Usually only one image.


This page is to provide a basic overview about the "Calendar" feature located inside lib/pages/wallet/ticket.

Ticket usescases

Type Name Description
Future<Image?> renderAztecCode() Returns an Image object, containing the resized Aztec code loaded from storage.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> getTicketDetails() Returns a map, containing the ticket details such as the name of the owner, the birthdate and validity information.

Ticket repository

Type Name Description
Future loadTicket() Calls the ticket datasource to load the remote ticket and then saves it to storage or deletes the exisiting one if it expired or was removed.
Future<String?> getAztecCode() Returns the Aztec code as a Base64 String
Future<String?> getTicketDetails() Returns the whole ticket map as JSON
Future saveTicket(Map<String, dynamic> ticket) Saves the Aztec Code and ticket details to two separate files using the passed Map
Future deleteTicket() Deletes the ticket from storage

Ticket datasource

Type Name Description
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getRemoteTicket() Loads the remote ticket using a headless webview which clicks through the RUB login process and then extracts the Aztec code and ticket details from the RIDE website.

Calendar Page

Not full implemented yet!

This page is to provide a basic overview about the "Calendar" feature located inside lib/pages/calendar.


Type Name Description
Future<Either<Failure, List<CalendarEventEntity>>> getEventsList() Return a list of CalendarEventEntitiy or a Failure. It wil store the returned list for further caching in a local datasource.


Type Name Description
Future<Either<Failure, List<CalendarEventEntity>>> getAStAEvents() Return a list of CalendarEventEntitiy or a Failure. With the help of CalendarEventModel it will parse the JSON response of CalendarRemoteDatasource to the corresponding entity. The requested events are coming from the AStA Wordpress instance at


Type Name Description
Future<List<dynamic>> getAStAEventsAsJsonArray() Request events from tribe API at Throws a server excpetion if respond code is not 200.
Future<XmlDocument> getAStAEventfeedAsXML() Not implemented and properly unnecessary.



Type Name Description
int id
String url
String title
String description
String slug url identifier
bool hasImage
String? imageUrl
bool allDay
DateTime startDate
DateTime endDate
int duration
String timeZone
Map<String, String> cost JSON object of value and currency
String website website of event
List<CalendarCategoryEntity> categories list can be empty
List<CalendarTagEntity> tags list can be empty
CalendarVenueEntity venue
List<CalendarOrganizerEntity> organizers list can be empty



Type Name Description
int id
String url
String name
String slug url identifier
String? address
String? city
String? country
String? province
String? zip
String? phone



Type Name Description
int id
String url
String name
String slug url identifier
String? phone
String? website
String? email



Type Name Description
int id
String url
String name
String slug url identifier
String description



Type Name Description
int id
String url
String name
String slug url identifier
String description