Copyright (c) 2012 Tim Schaefer - A System Architect [email protected] -
All Rights Reserved.
You are granted a license to use these programs. The source code and ideas remain the intellectual property of Tim Schaefer, [email protected]. You are free to modify these programs as you see fit for non-commercial use. Use of these programs is an agreement with these terms. Using these programs does not waive any property rights from the Author, or transfer any property or property rights to anyone. You are free to use these programs, but ownership remains with Tim Schaefer. Additionally use of these programs is at your own risk, Tim Schaefer, A System Architect, is not responsible for the use of these programs. Using these programs is an agreement to these terms. You agree to these terms even if you don't read these terms simply by using these tools.
nagios-digest.crontab - Crontab to run this program - Program to generate an emailed status report of WARNINGs, CRITICALs - Wrapper shell script to use with this program.
These tools require a basic understanding of Nagios. Simply read through them and use them.
Tim Schaefer [email protected] January 2013