Konata is an instruction pipeline visualizer for Onikiri2-Kanata/Gem5-O3PipeView formats.
Simply extract the archive and launch the executable file (konata.exe or konata).
- mouse wheel up, key up: scroll up
- mouse wheel down, key down: scroll down
- ctrl + mouse wheel up, key "+": zoom in
- ctrl + mouse wheel down, key "-": zoom out
# Install node.js/npm
sudo apt install nodejs
# Install electron/electron-packager
# Since electron is huge, they are installed globally.
npm -g install electron
npm -g install electron-packager
# Run and build
make init # Setup libraries
make # Run Konata
make pack # Build & pack Konata for Windows/Linux/Mac
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Ryota Shioya [email protected]
This application is released under the 3-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE.md. This application bundles ELECTRON and many third-party packages in accordance with the licenses presented in THIRD-PARTY-LICENSES.md.