Our Mission is to automate Healthcare and make Health facilities available to everyone regardless of their limitations
Our Goals:
- Automate Healthcare Medical Appointments
- Online Disease Severity Prediction based on input symptoms through AI enabled chat-bots
- Online Medical Document Storage for Doctor-Patient Interactions
- e-Ambulance Tracking
Registration 📝
The web application would have a facility for the user's to register as either doctors or patients. Both of them would have access to specific features of the application. The hospitals could manage the patient's appointments and assign appropriate slots for particular consultations. -
Appointment Scheduler 📅
The patient would be able to book appointments for the particular time slots he wishes to visit the hospital for. -
Disease severity prediction 🤒
This module would provide an automated, AI enabled chatbot which would provide inputs on the medical condition of the user, in case medical help is not accessible -
Medical Record Storage 📙
This module would enable online storage of patient's documents, this will help preserve them and avoid the hassle of carrying them for every consultation. -
e-Ambulance Tracking 🚑
It would aid people in urgent need of medical help, the web app would provide the facility to book and track ambulances for essential help.
$ cd scripts
$ sh startbackend.sh
$ sh startfrontend.sh
$ cd scripts
$ chmod +x startbackend.sh
$ ./startbackend.sh
$ chmod +x startfrontend.sh
$ ./startfrontend.sh
**Run QA checks on local environment ⚡** :
- Run Shell script on Windows 💾 :
...\lifeMEDeasy> .\lifeMEDeasy_QA_checks
- Run Shell script on Linux 👨💻 :
.../lifeMEDeasy$ ./lifeMEDeasy_QA_checks
- Alternate option ✔ :
- Run this on terminal ⚡:
- Windows 💾
...\lifeMEDeasy> black .
...\lifeMEDeasy> flake8 .
- Linux 👨💻
.../lifeMEDeasy$ black .
.../lifeMEDeasy$ flake8 .
- Windows 💾
- Run this on terminal ⚡:
Step by Step Guide to install the project
- Fork the repository and create a clone of it on your computer.
- Go to the the command line and type
cd lifeMEDeasy
- Run the following command to import the node modules & start the frontend.
$ npm install && npm start
- Run the following command to start the development server at
and port number3000
Installing the backend
- Run the command in console:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go the the directory where Django project is present and manage.py file is present.
- Run following commands in the cmd:
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py runserver
- Your project is running on your local host
and port number8000
Thanks goes to these wonderful people.👩🏻💻
Contributions of any kind welcome! 🌟