AWS AB Util is a CLI utility tool to manage the deployment and execution of distributed load test with AB (Apache Bench) using AWS SSM and Amazon EC2. It can generate thousands of RPS (Requests per Second) and/or Gigabytes per second of data transfer.
- OS: Linux, MacOS
- Software: AWS CLI
- AWS CLI with permissions to execute AWS SSM Run Command and Amazon EC2 Admin Access
- AWS IAM Role named SSMInstanceProfile as described in the SSM documentation
git clone
sudo mv aws-ab-util/aws-ab-util /usr/local/bin/
rm -fr aws-ab-util
Overall options.
# aws-ab-util
Usage: aws-ab-util <command> [parameters]
cmd "[command]"
create servers_count
run [ab-options] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/[path]
Creating 2x load test servers.
# aws-ab-util create 2
Creating Load Test Servers...
Running a load test with 100 requests, per thread, per server. This will result in 1.000 request (100 requests x 5 threads x 2 servers).
# aws-ab-util run -c 5 -n 100
Sending SSM Command...
Running Load Test...
Status: Success Success
Deleting servers
# aws-ab-util delete
Deleting Load Test Servers...
Executing a command to create a JSON file
aws-ab-util cmd "echo '{\"message\":\"hello world\"}' > /tmp/payload.json"
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/aws-ab-util
Error: Invalid IAM Instance Profile name
Resolution: Create an IAM Role named SSMInstanceProfile, trusting in EC2 entity, with AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy attached (documentation).
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.