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Fix super-easy deployment script (#442)
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- Fix BuildSpec errors of CodeBuild
  - Escape double quotes properly.
  - Change type of `version` from string to number.
- Change argument name: `--region` to `--bedrock-region`
  • Loading branch information
Yukinobu-Mine authored Jul 12, 2024
1 parent 788a9b0 commit ec0c9fe
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Showing 4 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ You can specify the following parameters during deployment to enhance security a
- **--disable-self-register**: Disable self-registration (default: enabled). If this flag is set, you will need to create all users on cognito and it will not allow users to self register their accounts.
- **--ipv4-ranges**: Comma-separated list of allowed IPv4 ranges. (default: allow all ipv4 addresses)
- **--ipv6-ranges**: Comma-separated list of allowed IPv6 ranges. (default: allow all ipv6 addresses)
- **---disable-ipv6**: Disable connections over IPv6. (default: enabled)
- **--disable-ipv6**: Disable connections over IPv6. (default: enabled)
- **--allowed-signup-email-domains**: Comma-separated list of allowed email domains for sign-up. (default: no domain restriction)
- **--region**: Define the region where bedrock is available. (default: us-east-1)
- **--bedrock-region**: Define the region where bedrock is available. (default: us-east-1)

#### Example command with parameters:

./ --disable-self-register --ipv4-ranges "," --ipv6-ranges "2001:db8:1:2::/64,2001:db8:1:3::/64" --allowed-signup-email-domains "," --region "us-west-2"
./ --disable-self-register --ipv4-ranges "," --ipv6-ranges "2001:db8:1:2::/64,2001:db8:1:3::/64" --allowed-signup-email-domains "," --bedrock-region "us-west-2"

- After about 35 minutes, you will get the following output, which you can access from your browser
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ IPV4_RANGES=""

# Parse command-line arguments for customization
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
Expand All @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
--disable-ipv6) DISABLE_IPV6="true" ;;
--ipv4-ranges) IPV4_RANGES="$2"; shift ;;
--ipv6-ranges) IPV6_RANGES="$2"; shift ;;
--region) REGION="$2"; shift ;;
--bedrock-region) BEDROCK_REGION="$2"; shift ;;
--allowed-signup-email-domains) ALLOWED_SIGN_UP_EMAIL_DOMAINS="$2"; shift ;;
*) echo "Unknown parameter: $1"; exit 1 ;;
Expand All @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ aws cloudformation deploy \
--stack-name $StackName \
--template-file deploy.yml \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--parameter-overrides AllowSelfRegister=$ALLOW_SELF_REGISTER DisableIpv6=$DISABLE_IPV6 Ipv4Ranges="$IPV4_RANGES" Ipv6Ranges="$IPV6_RANGES" AllowedSignUpEmailDomains="$ALLOWED_SIGN_UP_EMAIL_DOMAINS" Region="$REGION"
--parameter-overrides AllowSelfRegister=$ALLOW_SELF_REGISTER DisableIpv6=$DISABLE_IPV6 Ipv4Ranges="$IPV4_RANGES" Ipv6Ranges="$IPV6_RANGES" AllowedSignUpEmailDomains="$ALLOWED_SIGN_UP_EMAIL_DOMAINS" BedrockRegion="$BEDROCK_REGION"

echo "Waiting for the stack creation to complete..."
echo "NOTE: this stack contains CodeBuild project which will be used for cdk deploy."
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions deploy.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Parameters:
Type: String
Default: "[]"
Type: String
Default: "us-east-1"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,16 +118,16 @@ Resources:
Value: !Ref DisableIpv6
Value: !Ref AllowedSignUpEmailDomains
- Name: REGION
Value: !Ref Region
Value: !Ref BedrockRegion
- ProjectRole
- Arn
BuildSpec: |-
"version": "0.2",
"version": 0.2,
"phases": {
"install": {
"runtime-versions": {
Expand All @@ -145,9 +145,9 @@ Resources:
"cd bedrock-claude-chat",
"if [ \"$ALLOW_SELF_REGISTER\" = \"false\" ]; then sed -i 's/\"selfSignUpEnabled\": true,/\"selfSignUpEnabled\": false,/' cdk/cdk.json; fi",
"if [ ! -z \"$IPV4_RANGES\" ]; then jq --arg ipv4 \"$IPV4_RANGES\" '.context.allowedIpV4AddressRanges = ($ipv4 | split(\",\"))' cdk/cdk.json > temp.json && mv temp.json cdk/cdk.json; fi",
"if [ "$DISABLE_IPV6" = "true" ]; then jq '.context.allowedIpV6AddressRanges = []' cdk/cdk.json > temp.json && mv temp.json cdk/cdk.json; elif [ ! -z "$IPV6_RANGES" ]; then jq --arg ipv6 "$IPV6_RANGES" '.context.allowedIpV6AddressRanges = ($ipv6 | split(","))' cdk/cdk.json > temp.json && mv temp.json cdk/cdk.json; fi",
"if [ \"$DISABLE_IPV6\" = \"true\" ]; then jq '.context.allowedIpV6AddressRanges = []' cdk/cdk.json > temp.json && mv temp.json cdk/cdk.json; elif [ ! -z \"$IPV6_RANGES\" ]; then jq --arg ipv6 \"$IPV6_RANGES\" '.context.allowedIpV6AddressRanges = ($ipv6 | split(\",\"))' cdk/cdk.json > temp.json && mv temp.json cdk/cdk.json; fi",
"if [ ! -z \"$ALLOWED_SIGN_UP_EMAIL_DOMAINS\" ]; then jq --arg domains \"$ALLOWED_SIGN_UP_EMAIL_DOMAINS\" '.context.allowedSignUpEmailDomains = ($domains | split(\",\"))' cdk/cdk.json > temp.json && mv temp.json cdk/cdk.json; fi",
"sed -i \"s/\\\"bedrockRegion\\\": \\\"[^\\\"]*\\\"/\\\"bedrockRegion\\\": \\\"${REGION}\\\"/\" cdk/cdk.json",
"sed -i \"s/\\\"bedrockRegion\\\": \\\"[^\\\"]*\\\"/\\\"bedrockRegion\\\": \\\"${BEDROCK_REGION}\\\"/\" cdk/cdk.json",
"cd cdk",
"npm ci",
"cdk bootstrap",
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ chmod +x


- --disable-self-register: セルフ登録を無効にします(デフォルト: 有効)。このフラグを設定すると、Cognito 上で全てのユーザーを作成する必要があり、ユーザーが自分でアカウントを登録することはできなくなります。
- --ipv4-ranges: 許可する IPv4 範囲のカンマ区切りリスト。(デフォルト: 全ての IPv4 アドレスを許可)
- --ipv6-ranges: 許可する IPv6 範囲のカンマ区切りリスト。(デフォルト: 全ての IPv6 アドレスを許可)
- --disable-ipv6: IPv6 での接続を無効にします (デフォルト: 有効)
- --allowed-signup-email-domains: サインアップ時に許可するメールドメインのカンマ区切りリスト。(デフォルト: ドメイン制限なし)
- --region: Bedrock が利用可能なリージョンを指定します。(デフォルト: us-east-1)
- **--disable-self-register**: セルフ登録を無効にします(デフォルト: 有効)。このフラグを設定すると、Cognito 上で全てのユーザーを作成する必要があり、ユーザーが自分でアカウントを登録することはできなくなります。
- **--ipv4-ranges**: 許可する IPv4 範囲のカンマ区切りリスト。(デフォルト: 全ての IPv4 アドレスを許可)
- **--ipv6-ranges**: 許可する IPv6 範囲のカンマ区切りリスト。(デフォルト: 全ての IPv6 アドレスを許可)
- **--disable-ipv6**: IPv6 での接続を無効にします (デフォルト: 有効)
- **--allowed-signup-email-domains**: サインアップ時に許可するメールドメインのカンマ区切りリスト。(デフォルト: ドメイン制限なし)
- **--bedrock-region**: Bedrock が利用可能なリージョンを指定します。(デフォルト: us-east-1)

#### パラメータを指定したコマンド例:

./ --disable-self-register --ipv4-ranges "," --ipv6-ranges "2001:db8:1:2::/64,2001:db8:1:3::/64" --allowed-signup-email-domains "," --region "ap-northeast-1"
./ --disable-self-register --ipv4-ranges "," --ipv6-ranges "2001:db8:1:2::/64,2001:db8:1:3::/64" --allowed-signup-email-domains "," --bedrock-region "ap-northeast-1"

- 30 分ほど経過後、下記の出力が得られるのでブラウザからアクセスします
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