- Requires python 3.5.x or newer version.
- For reference, PROJECT_DIR is directory which contains main.py file.
- To Stop the script from downloading hadoop, download & place hadoop-3.2.1.tar.gz in PROJECT_DIR
Please make sure of the following:
- Script is for linux OS only (TESTED on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS)
- Java (jdk) is installed version 8 or newer. (If not found script will throw error) (TESTED on open-jdk 9 open-jdk 10 & oracle-jdk 10). (For installing jdk from jdk_x.x.x.tar.gz file, instructions are given in Java_Install_Instruction.txt)
- JAVA_HOME is set in environment variables & should be pointing to jdk . (If not found script will throw error).
- ssh & pdsh are installed and working correctly.. (If not found script will throw error)
- If the current installation of ssh is not working install using the following command,
$ sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server
- Make sure the following line is added in your .bashrc file at /home/user/.bashrc (Replace user with your username)
And source your .bashrc file.
# Set pdsh rcmd type to ssh export PDSH_RCMD_TYPE=ssh
$ source home/user/.bashrc
- If the current installation of ssh is not working install using the following command,
- Make sure no process is using PORT 9870.
- To list processes using port 9870
$ sudo lsof -i :9870
- If process are there, kill them using following command -
$ kill -9 <pid>
- To list processes using port 9870
- If you have run a hadoop exectuable recently or if the program fails, clear your root tmp directory via following command and try running the script again.
$ sudo rm -R /tmp/*
- Make sure you have packages installed in your python environment which are listed in requirements.txt. Or install using following command.
$ pip install -r PROJECT_DIR/requirements.txt
- Change your directory to PROJECT_DIR
- Run main.py file
$ python main.py
- Output of word count is saved in the file output.txt in PROJECT_DIR
- pyLog.log contains all the logs.
- Output of map reduce command (using hadoop: mapred straming ) is stored in mapredOutput.txt
File | Objective |
requirements.txt | List python packages required. |
logger.py | Initializes the logger |
systemData.py | It stores system variables like HOME directory. |
fileOperations.py | Functions for easy access to file IO operation |
javaCheck.py | This file checks if java is installed correctly and if JAVA_HOME is configured in the environment or not. |
reqCheck.py | Check All Requirements (Calls function from javaCheck) and also checks if ssh and pdsh are installed or not. |
passphraselessSSH.py | Sets up passphraseless ssh. |
hadoopInstall.py | Downloads and extract Hadoop 3.2.1. Provides variable: HADOOP_HOME |
configureHadoop.py | Adds line “export JAVA_HOME={JAVA_HOME}” & "export HADOOP_OPTS="--add-modules java.activation" to /etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.sh. |
standalone.py | Runs the standalone operation |
backupFile.py | Provides function for backup and restore of config file in case of rerun. |
pyLog.log | Debug Log File |
pseudoDistributedConfig.py | Configure hadoop for pseudo Distributed Operations. |
pseudoDistributedExecution.py | Contains code for word count map reduce function. |
word_count/mapper.py | Python script, mapper for map reduce word count program. |
word_count/reducer.py | Python script, reducer for map reduce word count program. |
texts | This directory contains texts file for word count. |
main.py | Import from all the above files and runs them in sequence. |