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Find That Data!

Nathan edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 1 revision

JS Console

Complete what Clu could not... Find the data in memory.

Step 1 login

  • Watching the video you can see that we are trying to login as CLU with password 0222
  • The password part is tricky, but thankfully there's client side js that you can look at to find the username and password.
function login(username, password) {
    if (username == "CLU" && password == "0222") {
      window.location = "/maze";
    } else window.location = "/";

Step 2 maze

  • This looks really intimidating
  • The maze updates every second and there's a call to /token as well
  • There's 4 buttons to move Clu through the maze, but the data (the yellow 'o') is always blocked off.
  • There's a lot of ways to do this, but you just have to make sure that the token is still constantly updating.

Wall hax

  • You can comment out the checks for walls and just move through them
function move_down() {
  let cell = get_cell(x, y + 1);
  if (cell == null) return;
  //if (y == maxRows || != "hidden") return;
  y += 1;

Stop the grid from updating

  • Comment out the CreateGrid() and CreateMaze() functions
function CreateAll() {


  • Just set the coordinates to be on top of the data
x = 1;
// Set x to be 1
y = maxRows;
// Go to bottom
// Check the data from the server


  • Type this into the console
x=1; y=maxRows; check_data();
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