Utilities for working with CMAQ data in Python.
pycmaq is still in active development, and should only be used with caution.
Until pycmaq
is more developed, installation will be performed with pip and the url.
pip install https://github.com/barronh/pycmaq/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
When pycmaq
is further developed, installation will use PyPI.
Two simple examples are shown below. The first plots a time subset for layer one. The second calculates daily average PM25 and MDA8 ozone in local solar time as shown below.
import pycmaq as pq
aconcpath = 'ACONC_20160101'
qf = pq.open_dataset(aconcpath)
qf.O3.sel(TSTEP=slice('2016-01-01 17', '2016-01-01 23')).mean('TSTEP').isel(LAY=0).plot()
import pycmaq as pq
g2path = 'GRIDCRO2D_20160101'
g2f = pq.open_dataset(g2path)
# Estimate the timezone (as integer UTC offset),
# removing the TSTEP and LAY dimensions for broadcasting
tzone = (g2f.LON.isel(TSTEP=0, LAY=0) / 15).round(0).astype('i')
combinepath = 'COMBINE_201601'
qf = pq.open_dataset(combinepath)
# Subset species
qsf = qf[['O3', 'PM25_FRM']]
# Speed up by loading to memory
# Convert to LST
qlstf = qsf.cmaq.to_lst(tzone)
# For PM25, Group by Daily resolution and average
qa24f = qlstf[['PM25_FRM']].groupby(
# For O3, calculate the MDA8 with 17 valid hours
# 1) apply an 8h moving average
# 2) mask out hours greater than 17
# 3) group by Daily resolution
# 4) take the max
# This takes time.
qmda8f = qlstf[['O3']].rolling(
TSTEP=8, min_periods=6
qlstf['TSTEP'].dt.hour < 17
Assuming that you have completed Example 2, you can do a quick evaluation for MDA8 ozone.
aqsdailypath = 'daily_44201_2016.zip'
rawaqs = pq.pd.read_csv(aqsdailypath).query('`Event Type` in ("None", "Included")')
rawaqs['TSTEP'] = pq.pd.to_datetime(
rawaqs['Date Local'] + 'T' + rawaqs['1st Max Hour'].astype(str).str.rjust(2, '0')
aqs = rawaqs.query(
'TSTEP >= "2016-01-01" and TSTEP < "2016-02-01" and `1st Max Value` > 0'
aqs['COL'], aqs['ROW'] = qf.cmaq.pyproj(aqs['Longitude'].values, aqs['Latitude'].values)
aqs['COL'] = aqs['COL'].round(0) + 0.5
aqs['ROW'] = aqs['ROW'].round(0) + 0.5
aqs['LAY'] = 0
qaqs = pq.xr.Dataset(aqs)
ataqs = qmda8f.interp(
TSTEP=qaqs['TSTEP'], ROW=qaqs['ROW'], COL=qaqs['COL']
evaldf = aqs.join(ataqs.to_dataframe(), rsuffix='cmaq')
r = evaldf[['1st Max Value', 'O3']].corr().loc['O3', '1st Max Value']
fig, ax = pq.plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.hexbin(evaldf['1st Max Value'] * 1000, evaldf['O3'], mincnt=1)
xlabel='AQS ppb', ylabel='CMAQ ppb',
title=f'Jan 17h MDA8 Ozone (r={r:.02f})',
xlim=(0, None), ylim=(0, None),
pq.plt.colorbar(ax.collections[0], label='count')
x = pq.np.array(ax.get_ylim())
ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
ax.plot(x, x, 'k-')
ax.plot(x / 2, x, 'k--')
ax.plot(x, x / 2, 'k--')
Created gridded fractional area from a Shapefile. In this case, we'll use the Natural Earlth 110m Countries shapefile that is publicly available.
import pycmaq as pq
shppath = 'ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp'
gf = pq.open_griddesc(None, GDNAM='1188NHEMI2')
valkeys, valfracs = pycmaq.utils.shapes.attr_from_shapefile_areafractions(
gf, shppath, 'REGION_UN', srcproj=4326, clip=True, verbose=1
outkeys = [
valkey.replace('Seven seas (open ocean)', 'Seven_seas')
for valkey in valkeys
for i, valkey in enumerate(outkeys):
gf[valkey] = valfracs.sel(TSTEP=i).expand_dims(TSTEP=1)
# Optionally plot the Americas
# gf['Americas'][0, 0].plot.pcolormesh()
# gf.cmaq.cnocountries()
- Large CMAQ files in NETCDF3_CLASSIC are more efficiently read with
the NC_SHARE option. This is the default with
, but not withpycmaq.xr.open_dataset
. Thexr
module is just a pointer to thexarray
. - LON-based timezone is solar time, not standard time used by observations. Replace the LON-based timezone with one based on timezones to make more consistent with observations. Local Standard Time.