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Releases: bastistician/polyCub

polyCub 0.9.2

11 Feb 16:52
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  • Maintenance release, updating cross references in the documentation.

polyCub 0.9.1

21 May 15:28
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  • vignette("polyCub") now uses the lightweight "knitr::knitr" engine rather than "knitr::rmarkdown".

polyCub 0.9.0

25 Oct 11:57
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  • polyCub.exact.Gauss() is defunct. It may be resurrected in future versions, using a reliable replacement for gpclib::tristrip() (#2).

  • Removed remaining references to archived packages gpclib and rgeos.

  • polyCub now requires R >= 3.2.0.

polyCub 0.8.1

28 Nov 18:53
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  • Accommodate CRAN checks with _R_CHECK_DEPENDS_ONLY_=true.

polyCub 0.8.0

28 Jan 18:36
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  • Support "(MULTI)POLYGON" geometries from package sf as integration domains (#3).
    Since these classes do not strictly enforce a particular ring direction, the vertex order is checked when the polygon coordinates are extracted for cubature. Thus, sf polygons are a less efficient choice for polyCub input than polygons from sp or spatstat.geom.
    Note that "POLYGON" objects were already accepted in previous versions of polyCub but this was undocumented and didn't check the vertex order.

  • The suggested package spatstat was split into several packages. Package polyCub now only suggests spatstat.geom (to handle
    "owin" polygons).

  • Package tests no longer rely on (nowadays heavy) testthat.

polyCub 0.7.1

07 Feb 17:24
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  • This patch release introduces a vignette to get started with the package. It contains illustrations of the implemented cubature methods and a runtime comparison. You can access the vignette from the installed package in R via vignette("polyCub"), view it on CRAN, download the attached html file, or look at the vignette source file.

  • A short paper about polyCub is "in press" at the Journal of Open Source Software, where the package has been reviewed. Please refer to that paper if you use polyCub in publications, see citation("polyCub") in R.