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A simple converter from ASCIIMath to LaTeX or MathML and from MathML to LaTeX


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py_asciimath is a simple yet powerful Python module that:

  • converts an ASCIIMath ex to LaTeX or MathML
  • converts a LaTeX mathematical expression to ASCIIMath (soon also to MathML)
  • converts a MathML string to LaTeX (the conversion is done thank to the XSLT MathML Library. Please report any unexpected behavior)
  • exposes a single translation method translate(exp, **kwargs), which semantic depends on the py_asciimath translator one wish to use
  • exposes a MathML parser

ASCIIMath is an easy-to-write markup language for mathematics: for more information check out the main website at MathML is a markup language for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content: for more information check out the main website at LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system: for more information check out the main website at


Read the full documentation at


To install the package run pip install -U --user py-asciimath or pip3 install -U --user py-asciimath


As python module

from py_asciimath.translator.translator import (

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("ASCIIMath to MathML")
    asciimath2mathml = ASCIIMath2MathML(log=False, inplace=True)
    parsed = asciimath2mathml.translate(
        r"e^x > 0 forall x in RR",

    print(parsed, "\n\nMathML to LaTeX")
    mathml2tex = MathML2Tex()
    parsed = mathml2tex.translate(parsed, network=False, from_file=False,)

    print(parsed, "\n\nASCIIMath to LaTeX")
    asciimath2tex = ASCIIMath2Tex(log=False, inplace=True)
    parsed = asciimath2tex.translate(
        r"e^x > 0 forall x in RR",

    print(parsed, "\n\nLaTeX to ASCIIMath")
    tex2asciimath = Tex2ASCIIMath(log=False, inplace=True)
    parsed = tex2asciimath.translate(

results in:

ASCIIMath to MathML
WARNING:No XML declaration with 'encoding' attribute set: default encoding to None
WARNING:The XML encoding is None: default to UTF-8
WARNING:No DTD declaration found: set to remote mathml2 DTD
INFO:Loading dtd and validating...
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE math PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD MathML 2.0//EN" "">
<math xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
  <mstyle displaystyle="true">

MathML to LaTeX
INFO:Encoding from XML declaration: UTF-8
WARNING:Remote DTD found and network is False: replacing with local DTD
INFO:Loading dtd and validating...
$ {\displaystyle {e}^{x}>0\forall x\in \mathbb{R} }$ 

ASCIIMath to LaTeX
\[{e}^{x} > 0 \forall x \in \mathbb{R}\] 

LaTeX to ASCIIMath
(e)^(x) > 0 AA x in RR

From the command line

py_asciimath: a simple ASCIIMath/MathML/LaTeX converter

Usage: <EXP> from <ILANG> to <OLANG>
                        [options] <EXP> from <ILANG> (-o <OLANG> | --output=OLANG)
                        [options] <EXP> (-i <ILANG> | --input=ILANG) to <OLANG>
                        [options] <EXP> (-i <ILANG> | --input=ILANG) (-o <OLANG> | --output=OLANG)
                        [options] from-file <PATH>  from <ILANG> to <OLANG>
                                    [options] from-file <PATH>  from <ILANG> (-o <OLANG> | --output=OLANG)
                                    [options] from-file <PATH>  (-i <ILANG> | --input=ILANG) to <OLANG>
                                    [options] from-file <PATH>  (-i <ILANG> | --input=ILANG) (-o <OLANG> | --output=OLANG)
                                    [options] (-h | --help) --version

  --dstyle                      Add display style
  -i <ILANG> --input=ILANG      Input language
                                Supported input language: asciimath, latex, mathml
  --log                         Log the transformation process
  --network                     Works only with ILANG=mathnml or OLANG=mathml
                                Use network to validate XML against DTD
  -o <OLANG> --output=OLANG     Output language
                                Supported output language: asciimath, latex, mathml
  --pprint                      Works only with OLANG=mathml. Pretty print
  --to-file=OPATH               Save translation to OPATH file
  --version                     Show version
  --xml-declaration             Works only with OLANG=mathml.Add the XML
                                declaration at the top of the XML document
  --xml-validate=MathMLDTD      Works only with OLANG=mathml
                                Validate against a MathML DTD
                                MathMLDTD can be: mathml1, mathml2 or mathml3

For example, py_asciimath "sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2" from asciimath to latex prints:

$\sum_{i = 1}^{n} i^{3} = \left(\frac{n \left(n + 1\right)}{2}\right)^{2}$

If the option --log is present, then it prints also every transformation of the input, so py_asciimath "e^x > 0 forall x in RR" from asciimath to latex --log prints:

INFO:Calling const with args:
INFO:   items = [Token(LETTER, 'e')]
INFO:Calling const with args:
INFO:   items = [Token(LETTER, 'x')]
INFO:Calling exp_super with args:
INFO:   items = ['e', 'x']
INFO:Calling remove_parenthesis with args:
INFO:   s = 'x'
INFO:Calling symbol with args:
INFO:   items = [Token(MORETHAN, '>')]
INFO:Calling exp_interm with args:
INFO:   items = ['>']
INFO:Calling const with args:
INFO:   items = [Token(NUMBER, '0')]
INFO:Calling exp_interm with args:
INFO:   items = ['0']
INFO:Calling symbol with args:
INFO:   items = [Token(FORALL, 'forall')]
INFO:Calling exp_interm with args:
INFO:   items = ['\\forall']
INFO:Calling const with args:
INFO:   items = [Token(LETTER, 'x')]
INFO:Calling exp_interm with args:
INFO:   items = ['x']
INFO:Calling symbol with args:
INFO:   items = [Token(IN, 'in')]
INFO:Calling exp_interm with args:
INFO:   items = ['\\in']
INFO:Calling symbol with args:
INFO:   items = [Token(RR, 'RR')]
INFO:Calling exp_interm with args:
INFO:   items = ['\\mathbb{R}']
INFO:Calling exp with args:
INFO:   items = ['\\mathbb{R}']
INFO:Calling exp with args:
INFO:   items = ['\\in', '\\mathbb{R}']
INFO:Calling exp with args:
INFO:   items = ['x', '\\in \\mathbb{R}']
INFO:Calling exp with args:
INFO:   items = ['\\forall', 'x \\in \\mathbb{R}']
INFO:Calling exp with args:
INFO:   items = ['0', '\\forall x \\in \\mathbb{R}']
INFO:Calling exp with args:
INFO:   items = ['>', '0 \\forall x \\in \\mathbb{R}']
INFO:Calling exp with args:
INFO:   items = ['e^{x}', '> 0 \\forall x \\in \\mathbb{R}']
$e^{x} > 0 \forall x \in \mathbb{R}$

ASCIIMath grammar

The grammar used to parse an ASCIIMath input is:

start: i start* -> exp
i: s -> exp_interm
    | s "/" s -> exp_frac
    | s "_" s -> exp_under
    | s "^" s -> exp_super
    | s "_" s "^" s -> exp_under_super
s: l start? r -> exp_par
    | u s -> exp_unary
    | b s s -> exp_binary
    | asciimath -> symbol
    | c -> const
    | QS -> q_str
c: /d[A-Za-z]/ // derivatives
l: "(" | "(:" | "[" | "{" | "{:" | "|:" | "||:" | "langle" | "<<" // left parenthesis
r: ")" | ":)" | "]" | "}" | ":}" | ":|" | ":||" | "rangle" | ">>" // right parenthesis
b: {} // asciimath binary functions symbols
u: {} // asciimath unary functions symbols
asciimath: {} // asciimath symbols
QS: "\"" /(?<=").+(?=")/ "\"" // Quoted String

For the complete list of symbols, please refer to The only symbol that I've added is dstyle, that stands for displaystyle as a unary function.

LaTeX grammar

The grammar used to parse a LaTeX input is:

start: "\[" exp "\]" -> exp
    | "$$" exp "$$" -> exp
    | "$" exp "$" -> exp
    | exp -> exp
exp: i exp* -> exp
i: s -> exp_interm
    | s "_" s -> exp_under
    | s "^" s -> exp_super
    | s "_" s "^" s -> exp_under_super
s: l exp? r -> exp_par
    | "\left" (l | "." | "\vert" | "\mid") start? "\right" (r | "." | "\vert" | "\mid") -> exp_par
    | "\begin{matrix}" row_mat ("\\" row_mat?)* "\end{matrix}" -> exp_mat
    | "{" i+ "}" -> exp
    | u "{" exp "}" -> exp_unary
    | b "{" exp "}" "{" exp "}" -> exp_binary
    | "\sqrt" "[" i+ "]" "{{" exp "}}" -> exp_binary
    | latex -> symbol
    | c -> const
    | LETTER
row_mat: exp ("&" exp?)* -> row_mat
l: "(" | "[" | "\{" | "\langle" | "\lVert" // left parenthesis
r: ")" | "]" | "\}" | "\rangle" | "\rVert" // right parenthesis
b: {} // binary functions
u: {} // unary functions
latex: {} // LaTeX symbols

Be careful that not all the LaTeX symbols are included in the grammar: please fill in an issue if you find that some symbols are missing

Rendering (matrices and systems of equations)

For a text to be rendered as a matrix must have a structure like

L '[' ... (, ...)* ']', '[' ... (, ...)* ']' (, '[' ... (, ...)* ']' )* R
L '(' ... (, ...)* ')', '(' ... (, ...)* ')' (, '(' ... (, ...)* ')' )* R

that is:

  • It must be delimited by a left (L) and right (R) parenthesis
  • Every row can be separated by [] XOR () (if one starts with [], every row will be recognized with the same parenthesis, same for ()), followed by , and possibly another row
  • Every matrix must contain at least two rows
  • Every rows contains zero or more columns, where ... can be any ASCIIMath expression
  • Every row must contain the same number of columns

Since L and R can be any left or right parenthesis, and every matrices must have the same number of columns, to render a system of equation one can write something like {[(root n x)/(x) <= 4], [x^2=e^x]:}.
On the other hand a matrix can be somenthing like [[(root n x)/(x) <= 4, int x dx], [x^2=e^x, lim_(x to infty) 1 / (x^2)]].

Rendering (LaTeX)

A parsed ASCIIMath string is rendered as follows:

  • latex, u and c symbols are converted to their LaTeX equivalent
  • text and ul correspond to the \textrm and \underline functions
  • bb, bbb, cc, tt, fr and sf correspond to the \boldsymbol, \mathbb, \mathcal, \texttt, \mathfrak and \textsf functions
  • frac is rendered as a fraction, root n x as the n-th root of x and stackrel x y displays x upon y
  • Any text placed between a pair of " is rendered in the same font as normal text.
  • / stands for a fraction. The _ and ^ tokens have the same behaviour as in LaTeX but the subscript must be placed before the superscript if they are both present


Left and right delimiters are preceded by the \left and \right commands to be well-sized. (: and :) are chevrons (angle parenthesis). {: and :} are invisible delimiters like LaTeX's {. |: is converted to \lvert , while ||: is converted to \lVert. The other delimiters are rendered as expected.
Useless delimiters are automatically removed in expressions like:

  • (...)/(...)
  • (...)_(...), (...)^(...) and the combination of sub and superscript
  • u (...), b (...) (...) where u and b are unary and binary operators

If you want them to be rendered, you have to double them, for example: ((x+y))/2 or {: (x+y) :}/2.

Rendering (MathML)

The translation follows the MathML specification at

Known issues

The MathML1 DTD validation will fail when one wish to apply a font style