- The Capstone Game is due FRIDAY 12/13
- In order to get full credit for the assignment please submit it to the FCLC Capstone Game Jam
- Please complete any missing assignments by FRIDAY 12/13
- The Game Review assingment is now EXTRA CREDIT! For those who submit it you will be awarded up to 8 Points of extra credit!
Course Code: CISC 2540 Schedule: Tuesdays and Fridays, 1:00 - 2:15 PM Instructor: John Bezark Office Hours: Thursday 1-5pm. Book here
An introductory course exploring the fundamentals of digital game design and development. This course will use Godot 4 as the primary game creation tool, and it wil cover the basics of game development, coding fundamentals, and game design principles. Students will engage in hands-on projects to develop practical skills in both 2D and 3D game design. Students are not expected to have any prior programming or game design experience.
- Understand the principles of game design and development.
- Gain proficiency in Godot 4.
- Develop basic coding skills relevant to game design.
- Complete three major game design projects: a tabletop game, a 2D game, and a capstone game.
- Enhance writing and oral presentation skills through game-related assignments.
- Be able to better work in teams
- Respond to critical feedback constructively
The work of the class consists of the following:
Assignment | Description | Due Date | Points |
Attendance | 4 unexcused absences. 0 points after that. | 14 | |
Class Participation | Actively participate in class discussions and contribute to group projects. | 14 | |
Game Review | Play one of the suggested games and review it! | 12/2 | 8 EC |
Tabletop Game | A playable prototype of a tabletop game | 9/17 | 10 |
Tabletop Game Process Paper | Paper which documents process, execution and playtesting of tabletop game | 9/27 | 8 |
Labs 1-4 | 4 short coding assignments designed to build proficiency. 6 points each. | 9/30, 10/11, 10/15 and 11/15 | 24 |
2D Game Design Document | A brief paper describing your concept for the 2D Game | 10/11 | 10 |
2D Game | A playable prototype of a 2D game | 11/4 | 20 |
Capstone Concept Presentation | A brief Presentation describing your concept for the 2D Game | 11/22 & 11/26 | 10 |
Capstone Game | A polished game. Can be an evolution of the 2D game or something new. | Final | 30 |
Total Points Possible | 142 |
All assignments will be graded on the due date. Students are always allowed to revise and resubmit work up until 12/3.
The course is split into 3 distinct modules each with a unique project:
- Week 1-3: Game Design Fundamentals and tabletop design
- Week 4-10: 2D Game Design
- Week 10-14: 3D Game Design/Final Project Development
- FILL OUT THIS FORM so you can tell me if I’m giving you too much homework!
- Syllabus Reviews
- Professor John
- Game Design Fundamentals
- ASSIGN: Game Review
- ASSIGN: Tabletop Game
- Game Design Fundamentals
- Prototyping
- Group Work
- Housekeeping - 10
- Internal Playtesting - 15 min
- Group Work
- Playtesting
- Prototyping Tabletop Games: Balancing and Mechanics
- Reading: MDA
- MDA Framework
- Systems, Loops and Balance
- Group work
- Playtesting
- Git Init
- DUE: Tabletop Game
- Homework: Tabletop Game Process Paper
- Please watch the video turotial on Github and Godot!
- Homework: Lab 1
- Please complete the anonymous Collaboration Feedback Form. Doing so will provide invaluable feedback to your peers. It will also impact your participation grade.
Getting started with Godot
- Hello Godot
- Nodes and Scenes
- DUE: Process Paper
- Homework: 2D Game Concept
- Homework: 2D Game
DUE: Lab 1
- Coding Fundamentals
- Scripts and properties
- Variables
- Conditionals, Input
- Homework: Lab 2
- Using Nodes together
- Area2D
- Camera2D
- Timer
- Signals
- Git Branches
Lab Review
Characterbody, Collisions
Area2D Review
Sprite Sheets
DUE: Lab 2
DUE: 2D Concept
Area2D Review
Sprite Sheets
Git Collaboration
Homework: Lab 3
- Where to find other assets
- Better paralx (autoscroll)
- Water tiles animated
- Sound
- Common Patterns: Levels, Checkpoints and Respawns
- Control Nodes
- Common Patterns – Items and Enemies
- Characters, Levels and Items
- Project Development
- Playtesting
- DUE: 2D Game
Capstone Brainstorming
Hello 3D
- Introduction to 3D in Godot
- Lighting and Camera Techniques in 3D Games
There will be no in person class this week, instead there will be a video recording.
- Materials, Models NO IN PERSON
- Light, Sound
- DUE: Lab 4
- Review
- Advanced Topics
- Exporting
- NPCs, Classes and Inheritance...
- Capstone presentations
- Capstone presentations
- DUE: Final project playtest
- Review
- Preparing for the Game Industry: Portfolio and Career Paths
- DUE: Capstone Project
- Godot 4.3 : An open source 2D, 3D and XR game engine.
- Github Desktop: an industry standard version control system
- Godot 4.3 : An open source 2D, 3D and XR game engine.
- Blender : an open source 3D modeling and animation program.
- Github Desktop: an industry standard version control system
John Bezark (he/they) is a Brooklyn based Game Designer, Creative Technologist, Immersive Experience Designer and Video Artist. They graduated from NYU’s ITP with an MPS in Interactive Telecommunications and from Fordham University with a BA in Theatrical Directing. John has made everything from Solar Powered Websites to Immersive Game-shows about Systems Thinking.
Nowadays they like to use the Godot Game Engine to create one of a kind immersive and interactive experiences, games and performance art.
When not creating weird things, John also really likes to work in education and he’s passionate about teaching others how to design immersive spaces, how to make games and how to see the world through the lens of Systems Thinking. Email: [email protected] Portfolio
Office Hours by appointment.