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Server that supports seleniumRobot executions Features:

  • serves variables for seleniumRobot tests
  • store test results if requested
  • store and compare snapshots if requested


For now, build is done through the python script Ite generates a zip file which you only need to unzip



  • Install python 3 >= 3.8)

  • apache install

    • apache from apachelounge, same bitness as python
    • C++ redistributable microsoft, same version as the one used for apache compilation
    • mod_wsgi, same bitness as python
  • install Postgre database (if not using a centralized database or SQLite)

  • deploy files: unzip

  • create virtual environment for execution: python3 -m venv <path_to_selenium_server>/venv

  • go into virtual environment: cd <path_to_selenium_server>/venv && Scripts\activate.bat

  • install python-ldap from wheel found at pip instal

  • install python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • database migration: python migrate

  • database fix: python fix_permissions

  • create super user on first deploy ONLY: python createsuperuser. If using AD/LDAP, use python ldap_promote <user> instead

  • configure Apache server (example on Windows without HTTPS)

    LoadFile "<path_to_python_dll>" LoadModule wsgi_module "<python_dir>/lib/site-packages/mod_wsgi/server/mod_wsgi.cp38-win32.pyd" WSGIPythonHome "<python_dir>" WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}

    WSGIScriptAlias / <path_to_selenium_server>/seleniumRobotServer/ WSGIPythonPath <path_to_selenium_server>

    <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server>/seleniumRobotServer"> Require all granted

    Alias /media/ <path_to_selenium_server_data>/media/ Alias /static/ <path_to_selenium_server>/static/

    <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server>/static"> Require all granted

    <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server_data>/media"> Require all granted

  • If HTTPS is necessary, assuming a virtualenv is created inside <path_to_selenium_server>

    WSGIPythonHome "<path_to_selenium_server>/venv" WSGIPythonPath <path_to_selenium_server>/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/:<path_to_selenium_server>

    <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName seleniumRobotServer

    RewriteEngine On
      RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
      RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=308,L]

    <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName seleniumRobotServer LoadFile "<path_to_python>/" LoadModule wsgi_module "<path_to>/"

      WSGIPassAuthorization On
      WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
      WSGIScriptAlias / <path_to_selenium_server>/seleniumRobotServer/
      <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server>/seleniumRobotServer">
      		Require all granted
      Alias /media/ <path_to_selenium_server_data>/media/
      Alias /static/ <path_to_selenium_server>/static/
      <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server>/static">
      	Require all granted
      <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server_data>/media">
      	Require all granted
      SSLEngine on
      SSLCertificateFile <path_to_selenium_server>/ssl/selenium-server.crt
      SSLCertificateKeyFile <path_to_selenium_server>/ssl/selenium-server.key
      SSLCACertificateFile <path_to_selenium_server>/ssl/CA_selenium-server.cer explains why WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL} is mandatory for running OpenCV inside apache server WSGI. (Else image loading hangs).

Warning In the above apache configuration, <path_to_selenium_server_data> may or may not be identical to <path_to_selenium_server> but MUST be the same as ${data.dir} setting in file

Linux (RHE)

  • Install python 3 >= 3.8

  • apache install (Linux): yum install mod_wsgi httpd24-httpd

  • Install Postgre database (if not using a centralized database or SQLite)

  • Install freetype-devel, libpng-devel, gcc-c++, python3-devel, libjpeg-turbo-devel, openldap-devel, so that dependencies can be compiled

  • deploy files: unzip

  • create virtual environment for execution: python3 -m venv <path_to_selenium_server>/venv

  • go into virtual environment: cd <path_to_selenium_server>/venv && source bin/activate

  • install python requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • database migration: python migrate

  • database fix: python fix_permissions

  • create super user on first deploy ONLY: python createsuperuser. If using AD/LDAP, use python ldap_promote <user> instead

  • configure Apache server with

    LoadFile "/opt/rh/rh-python38/root/lib64/" LoadModule wsgi_module "/opt/rh/httpd24/root/usr/lib64/httpd/modules/" WSGIPythonHome "<path_to_selenium_server>/venv"

    WSGIScriptAlias / <path_to_selenium_server>/seleniumRobotServer/ WSGIPythonPath <path_to_selenium_server>/venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/:<path_to_selenium_server>

    <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server>/seleniumRobotServer"> Require all granted

    Alias /media/ <path_to_selenium_server>/media/ Alias /static/ <path_to_selenium_server>/static/

    <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server>/static"> Require all granted

    <Directory "<path_to_selenium_server>/media"> Require all granted

Session / data cleaning

When selenium server records test results, it stores many data which fills the storage quickly To avoid this, there is a django command to clean it regularly

python scheduler

This starts a scheduler (Django must already be started) which cleans data at regular interval

Configuration for the scheduler and cleaning process can be found in and can be overriden in

DELETE_STEP_REFERENCE_AFTER_DAYS = 30       # number of days after which old references will be deleted if they have not been updated. 30 days by default
COMPRESS_IMAGE_FOR_SUCCESS_AFTER_DAYS = 5   # number of days after which images of successful test (except step references and snapshot for comparison) will be compressed at 85%
COMPRESS_IMAGE_FOR_FAILURE_AFTER_DAYS = 10  # number of days after which images of failed test (except step references and snapshot for comparison) will be compressed at 85%
DELETE_HTML_FOR_SUCCESS_AFTER_DAYS = 5      # number of days after which HTML of successful test will be replaced by empty code
DELETE_HTML_FOR_FAILURE_AFTER_DAYS = 10     # number of days after which HTML of failed test will be replaced by empty code
DELETE_VIDEO_FOR_SUCCESS_AFTER_DAYS = 15    # number of days after which HTML of successful test will be deleted
CLEANING_CRON = "0 3 * * *"                 # clean every day at 3 a.m

This scheduler can be started as a service

Description=Job scheduler for Selenium server selenium-server.service

ExecStart=<install_dir>/venv/bin/python3 <install_dir>/ scheduler



change settings accordingly into (replace ${var} variables)



to use AD/LDAP authentication, in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS,

  • replace ${auth.backends} by seleniumRobotServer.ldapbackends.LDAPBackend1

  • configure the LDAP Authentication part

    AUTH_LDAP_1_SERVER_URI = "ldap://" AUTH_LDAP_1_BIND_DN = 'CN=user,OU=branch,DC=my,DC=company,DC=com' AUTH_LDAP_1_BIND_PASSWORD = 'pwd' AUTH_LDAP_1_USER_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("DC=my,DC=company,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(uid=%(user)s)") AUTH_LDAP_1_GROUP_SEARCH = LDAPSearch("DC=my,DC=company,DC=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "(objectClass=group)") AUTH_LDAP_1_GROUP_TYPE = ActiveDirectoryGroupType() AUTH_LDAP_1_USER_FLAGS_BY_GROUP = { "is_active": (LDAPGroupQuery("CN=GROUP_USER_001,OU=Selenium,DC=my,DC=company,DC=com") | LDAPGroupQuery("CN=GROUP_ADMIN_002,OU=Selenium,DC=my,DC=company,DC=com")), "is_staff": "CN=GROUP_USER_001,OU=Selenium,DC=my,DC=company,DC=com", "is_superuser": "CN=GROUP_ADMIN_002,OU=Selenium,DC=my,DC=company,DC=com" }

if you have several LDAP configuration, replace ${ldap.backends} by seleniumRobotServer.ldapbackends.LDAPBackend2", "seleniumRobotServer.ldapbackends.LDAPBackend3 You will also have to configure the 2 remaining LDAP AUTH_LDAP_2_xxx and AUTH_LDAP_3_xxx sets of variables

Setting the following only allow users belonging to the 2 groups to be considered as active. If you remove it, all authenticated user will be active.

"is_active": (LDAPGroupQuery("CN=GROUP_USER_001,OU=Selenium,DC=my,DC=company,DC=com") |

For more details about configuration refer to

OpenID configuration

You can activate it by

  • replacing ${auth.backends} by mozilla_django_oidc.auth.OIDCAuthenticationBackend (default behaviour, based on email) or seleniumRobotServer.openidbackend.NameOIDCAB (behaviour based on 'sub' / username). This backend also automatically configures access rights based on groups declared in 'acr' userinfo returned by openid server.

  • configure OpenID configuration part

    OIDC_RP_CLIENT_ID = 'seleniumserver' OIDC_RP_CLIENT_SECRET = 'secret' OIDC_OP_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT = "https://endpoint/oauth2/authorization" OIDC_OP_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = "https://endpoint/oauth2/token" OIDC_OP_USER_ENDPOINT = "https://endpoint/oauth2/userInfo" OIDC_RP_SIGN_ALGO = "RS256" OIDC_RP_SCOPES = "sub" # may not be necessary if email is provided OIDC_USE_NONCE = False # may be set to True if needed OIDC_RP_IDP_KEYFILE = 'key.pem' # pem file to read public key from. Only necessary for RS256 algo if os.path.isfile(OIDC_RP_IDP_KEYFILE): with(open(OIDC_RP_IDP_KEYFILE)) as keyfile: OIDC_RP_IDP_SIGN_KEY =

    LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL = "/accounts/login/?next=/snapshot/" LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = "/snapshot/" LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL_FAILURE = "/accounts/login/?next=/snapshot/"

    to use in conjunction with 'NameOIDCAB' backend



to use SQLite instead of Postgre: comment the right default database in DATABASES

Field detector

Field detector feature is used to detect fields (text fields, buttons, ...) on pictures. Computing is done for each reference picture and when '/detect' endpoint is called

To enable, you have to

DRAMATIQ_BROKER['OPTIONS']['url'] = 'redis://localhost:6379/0'
DRAMATIQ_RESULT_BACKEND['BACKEND_OPTIONS']['url'] = 'redis://localhost:6379'
  • enable field detector: FIELD_DETECTOR_ENABLED = 'True'


Security aspects

Before version 3.1, only variable server was secured, other accesses were open. Now, you can enable/disable security on API / Web views through SECURITY_API_ENABLED and SECURITY_WEB_ENABLED parameter in Set it to True to restrict access to API / GUI

Access with security enabled

As setting SECURITY_WEB_ENABLED and SECURITY_API_ENABLED to True will restrict all accesses, you must grant some users to access the server.

  • execute python fix_permissions to create Variable Users and Snapshot Users groups
  • If using AD/LDAP authentication or OpenID, authenticated users will automatically be added to the above groups
  • Else, add them manually
  • Add, as administrator an auth token to the user

  • alternatively, you can create token through API (for example via Postman)


Variable Users

Allow a user to add / modify variable assets, and also delete variables

Snapshot Users

Allow a user to view / add / edit snapshot comparisons

Restrict access to a specific application

Setting RESTRICT_ACCESS_TO_APPLICATION_IN_ADMIN to 'True' allow to restrict variable / result access to a specific application

User interface

Variable Server

To access variable server go to http://<server>:<port>/admin/ Depending on your rights, you will be able to configure only variable server assets (application, test case, environment, variable and version) with Variable Users group or anything with admin rights

for each type of asset, behaviour is the same:

consult list of assets

Click on the asset type to access its list

edit asset

From there, click on one of the variable to modify it

filter list

Because there may be plenty of variables for your test, you can filter by application, version, environment, ... Display will take this filter into account to reduce the number of variables displayed

It's also possible to search for some variable Search is done in name and value of variables

add an asset

Clicking on Add <asset> allow you to create a new asset

From there, it's also possible to add some dependencies. For example, if your variable is associated to a new TestCase, create it from this screen

specific to variables
  • reservable: means that several variable (same name, environment, version, ...) can be defined with different values. Fro example, you have a username that cannot be used by several test scripts at the same time. So you define multiple username for that environment/application. Then, seleniumRobot reserve on of this username so it cannot be used by other tests. When test ends, this variable is released (or after 15 mins by default)
  • internal: this variable has been created by seleniumRobot for internal use. Do not edit
  • protected: value should not be displayed to non admin users or users that do not have the Can see protected vars right (e.g: passwords)

Define dependencies between applications

In case your seleniumRobot test navigates through multiple application (app1 -> app2 -> app1), it may be useful to get variables from app2 at the same time as variables from app1. To do so, in "app1" configuration, select the 'linkedApplication' => 'app2'

In seleniumRobot, variables from 'app2' will then be accessible with param("app2.myVar")

Snapshot server

This server aims at storing test snapshots to compare them Snapshot are sent by seleniumRobot when seleniumRobotServerActive and seleniumRobotServerCompareSnapshots are set to true. Moreover, only snapshot taken explicitely inside test script are sent to server

capturePageSnapshot(<pic_name>, SnapshotCheckType.TRUE);


captureElementSnapshot(<pic_name>, <myWebElement>, SnapshotCheckType.TRUE);

Access web interface

Go to http://:/snapshot/ and select the application / version and "compare snapshot"

Visualize comparison results

Complete "environment", "sessions", "browser", "test cases" and execution date. Each time, click on "Filter".

You will then get a list of test sessions corresponding to your search criteria.

these results will also be accessible from SeleniumRobot HTML result, as a tab in each test result, pointing to this page.

Edit comparison

For each picture, where a reference exists, a comparison pixel by pixel is done, meaning that picture size must be the same. Each pixel different from reference is coulored red. If these pixels are not relevant differences (value of a text field, picture based on news), then you can create "exclude zones" by clicking "Edit" button.

In the opened modal, draw rectangles and click "save". Differences are automatically recomputed.

On the bottom of the edit modal, you will find a table with all "exclude zones". You can disable some of them if you want them not being used anymore in comparison.

Exclude zones are common to all pictures that share the same reference.

Reference: a picture to which further snapshot taken during test will be compared. A reference is specific to an [application / version / environment / test case / test step].

Change reference

By default, the first snapshot of a [application / version / environment / test case / test step] tuple is the reference. But sometimes, while application change, inside the same version, GUI may change and so, a new reference must be set. Therefore, you can click on button "Make reference".

In the example above, firstly, all sessions snapshot refere to "reference" snapshot. But after making "Session 2" a new reference, "Session 1" always referes to "reference" while sessions after "Session 2" refere to "Sessions 2".


Usage is the same for all API (example for version)

  • GET http://<server>:<port>/commons/api/version/2/ => get version by id
  • POST http://<server>:<port>/commons/api/version/ => add version. Request data should contain all mandatory fields
  • PATCH http://<server>:<port>/commons/api/version/2/ => change version by id. Request data should contain only updated fields
  • PUT http://<server>:<port>/commons/api/version/2/ => change version by id. Request data should contain all fields
  • DELETE http://<server>:<port>/commons/api/version/2/ => delete the version by id


  • /commons/api/gversion/?name=<>: get version by name
  • /commons/api/gapplication/?name=<>: get application by name
  • /commons/api/genvironment/?name=<>: get environment by name
  • /commons/api/gtestcase/?name=<>: get test case by name
  • /commons/api/version/: get/post version by id
  • /commons/api/application/: get/post application by id
  • /commons/api/environment/: get/post environment by id
  • /commons/api/testcase/: get/post test case by id


get all variables

To get variables from server: http://<server>:<port>/variable/api/variable?version=7&environment=1&test=8&format=json

Ids can be found through user interface.

format=json is mandatory so that getting variable list is not done twice, thus reserving variables twice

create variable

POST http://<server>:<port>/variable/api/variable?name=<name>&value=<value>&reservable=<true_or_false>&environment=<env_id>&application=<app_id>&internal=<true_or_false>&timeToLive=<time_to_live_in_days>
  • name: name of the variable
  • value: value assigned to variable
  • reservable: (optional) if true, variable will be reserved by server when getting the list. This means that during 15 minutes, it won't be usable for other test if not released
  • timeToLive: (optional) if value is greater than 0, variable will be destroyed after N days
  • environment: (optional) id of the environment this variable is assigned to
  • application: (optional) id of the application this variable is assigned to
  • version: (optional) id of the version this variable is assigned to
  • test: (optional) id of the test case this variable is assigned to
  • internal: (optional) true or false. If true, indicates that this variable has been created by test scenarios for reuse only. These are not test datav

get only old variable

It's possible to get variables older than X days using olderThan parameter:

GET http://<server>:<port>/variable/api/variable?version=7&environment=1&test=8&olderThan=2&format=json

This is useful when robot creates variables during a test, for reuse in an other one and created variable cannot be used directly. Concrete case:

  • you create a user
  • store this user id in variable server, but your application won't allow you to consult this user immediately (e.g: it needs some batch to be fully integrated in database)
  • have a test that needs a valid user, created some days before

destroy temp variables automatically

When test creates variables, it may be useful to destroy these variables after some time to avoid a database growth. You can set a time to live to a variable using the destroyAfterDays parameterng