Welcome to the Solana Token Launchpad! This project allows users to connect their Solana wallets and create tokens with metadata attached, providing an easy-to-use interface for launching new tokens on the Solana blockchain.
- Connect to Wallet: Easily connect your Solana wallet to interact with the blockchain.
- Create Tokens: Launch new tokens on the Solana network with just a few clicks.
- Attach Metadata: Add important metadata to your tokens, including name, symbol, and URI.
- Token Details File Download: Download the token details as a file for easy access and sharing.
- Airdrop Your Token: Airdrop yourself some tokens to play around with.
This project uses the following dependencies:
- @radix-ui/react-accordion: ^1.2.1
- @radix-ui/react-alert-dialog: ^1.1.2
- @radix-ui/react-dialog: ^1.1.2
- @radix-ui/react-icons: ^1.3.0
- @radix-ui/react-label: ^2.1.0
- @radix-ui/react-slot: ^1.1.0
- @radix-ui/react-switch: ^1.1.1
- @solana/spl-token: ^0.4.8
- @solana/wallet-adapter-base: ^0.9.23
- @solana/wallet-adapter-react: ^0.15.35
- @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui: ^0.9.35
- @solana/wallet-adapter-wallets: ^0.19.32
- @solana/web3.js: ^1.95.3
- bs58: ^6.0.0
- buffer: ^6.0.3
- class-variance-authority: ^0.7.0
- clsx: ^2.1.1
- lucide-react: ^0.447.0
- next-themes: ^0.3.0
- react: ^18.3.1
- react-dom: ^18.3.1
- react-router-dom: ^6.27.0
- recoil: ^0.7.7
- sonner: ^1.5.0
- tailwind-merge: ^2.5.3
- tailwindcss-animate: ^1.0.7
Feel free to reach out with any questions or feedback!