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correct erroneous Floquet coefficients for odd Ntst in case of colloc…
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rveltz committed Feb 10, 2024
1 parent 3b6c8bf commit 09f10de
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Showing 4 changed files with 25 additions and 9 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/NormalForms.jl
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Expand Up @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ function predictor(bp::Union{Pitchfork, PitchforkMap}, ds::T; verbose = false, a

# we need to find the type, supercritical or subcritical
dsfactor = b1 * b3 < 0 ? T(1) : T(-1)
if 1==1
if true
# we solve b1 * ds + b3 * amp^2 / 6 = 0
amp = ampfactor * sqrt(-6abs(ds) * dsfactor * b1 / b3)
pnew = bp.p + abs(ds) * dsfactor
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/codim2/NormalForms.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ function zero_hopf_normal_form(_prob,
tol_ev = max(1e-10, 10abs(imag(_λ[_ind0])))
# imaginary eigenvalue iω1
_ind2 = [ii for ii in eachindex(_λ) if ((abs(imag(_λ[ii])) > tol_ev) & (ii != _ind0))]
verbose && (@info "EV" _λ _ind2)
verbose && (@info "Eigenvalue :" _λ _ind2)
_indIm = argmin(abs(real(_λ[ii])) for ii in _ind2)
λI = _λ[_ind2[_indIm]]
q1 = geteigenvector(optionsN.eigsolver, _ev, _ind2[_indIm])
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13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions src/periodicorbit/Floquet.jl
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Expand Up @@ -459,9 +459,13 @@ end
# this removes the internal unknowns of each mesh interval
# this matrix is diagonal by blocks and each block is the L Matrix
# which makes the corresponding J block upper triangular
# the following matrix collects the LU factorizations by blocks
# the following matrix 𝐅𝐬 collects the LU factorizations by blocks
# recall that if F = lu(A) then
# F.L * F.U = A * F.P
# (F.P⁻¹ * F.L) * F.U = A
# hence 𝐅𝐬⁻¹ = (P⁻¹ * L)⁻¹ = L⁻¹ * P
𝐅𝐬 = Matrix{𝒯}(LinearAlgebra.I(size(J, 1)))
rg = 1:nbcoll # range
rg = 1:nbcoll
for k = 1:Ntst
F = lu(J[rg, rg .+ n])
𝐅𝐬[rg, rg] .= (F.P \ F.L)
Expand All @@ -487,11 +491,14 @@ end
r2 = r2 .+ m * n

# in theory, it should be multiplied by (-1)ᴺᵗˢᵗ
factor = iseven(Ntst) ? 1 : -1

# floquet multipliers
vals, vecs = eigen(M)

nev = min(n, nev)
logvals = log.(Complex.(vals))
logvals = @. log(Complex(factor * vals))
I = sortperm(logvals, by = real, rev = true)[1:nev]

# floquet exponents
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17 changes: 13 additions & 4 deletions src/periodicorbit/PeriodicOrbitCollocation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -626,7 +626,16 @@ Compute the jacobian of the problem defining the periodic orbits by orthogonal c
J[end, end] = -phase / period
return J
analytical_jacobian(coll::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, u::AbstractVector, pars; 𝒯 = eltype(u), k...) = analytical_jacobian!(zeros(𝒯, length(coll)+1, length(coll)+1), coll, u, pars; k...)

𝒯 = eltype(u),
k...) = analytical_jacobian!(zeros(𝒯, length(coll)+1, length(coll)+1),

function analytical_jacobian_sparse(coll::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1181,8 +1190,9 @@ end
nbcoll = N * m
nⱼ = size(J, 1)
𝒯 = eltype(coll)
In = I(N)

P = Matrix{𝒯}(LinearAlgebra.I(nⱼ))
𝐅𝐬 = Matrix{𝒯}(I(nⱼ))
blockⱼ = zeros(𝒯, nbcoll, nbcoll)
rg = 1:nbcoll
for _ in 1:Ntst
Expand All @@ -1203,11 +1213,10 @@ end
rN = 1:N

# solving for the external variables
In = I(N)
Jext = zeros(Ntst*N+N+1, Ntst*N+N+1)
Jext[end-N:end-1,end-N:end-1] .= In
Jext[end-N:end-1,1:N] .= -In
Jext[end, end] = J[end,end]
Jext[end, end] = J[end, end]
rhs_ext = 𝒯[]

# we solve for the external unknowns
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