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refactor collocation methods
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rveltz committed Feb 11, 2024
1 parent a85cd8c commit 15ffef9
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 47 deletions.
100 changes: 53 additions & 47 deletions src/periodicorbit/PeriodicOrbitCollocation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,12 @@ using FastGaussQuadrature: gausslegendre
cache = MeshCollocationCache(Ntst::Int, m::Int, Ty = Float64)
Structure to hold the cache for the collocation method.
Structure to hold the cache for the collocation method. More precisely, it starts from a partition of [0,1] based on the mesh points:
0 = τ₁ < τ₂ < ... < τₙₜₛₜ₊₁ = 1
On each mesh interval [τⱼ, τⱼ₊₁] mapped to [-1,1], a Legendre polynomial of degree m is formed.
Expand All @@ -17,46 +22,45 @@ $(TYPEDFIELDS)
- `m` degree of the collocation polynomials
- `Ty` type of the time variable
struct MeshCollocationCache{T}
struct MeshCollocationCache{𝒯}
"Coarse mesh size"
"Collocation degree, usually called m"
"Lagrange matrix"
"Lagrange matrix for derivative"
"Gauss nodes"
"Gauss weights"
"Values for the coarse mesh, call τj. This can be adapted."
"Values for collocation poinnts, call σj. These are fixed."
"Values of the coarse mesh, call τj. This can be adapted."
"Values of collocation points, call σj. These are fixed."
"Full mesh containing both the coarse mesh and the collocation points."

function MeshCollocationCache(Ntst::Int, m::Int, 𝒯 = Float64)
τs = LinRange{𝒯}( 0, 1, Ntst + 1) |> collect
σs = LinRange{𝒯}(-1, 1, m + 1)
L, ∂L = getL(σs)
zg, wg = gausslegendre(m)
cache = MeshCollocationCache(Ntst, m, L, ∂L, zg, wg, τs, σs, zeros(𝒯, 1 + m * Ntst))
# put the mesh where we removed redundant timing
L, ∂L, zg, wg = compute_legendre_matrices(σs)
cache = MeshCollocationCache{𝒯}(Ntst, m, L, ∂L, zg, wg, τs, σs, zeros(𝒯, 1 + m * Ntst))
# save the mesh where we removed redundant timing
cache.full_mesh .= get_times(cache)
return cache

@inline Base.eltype(pb::MeshCollocationCache{T}) where T = T
@inline Base.size(pb::MeshCollocationCache) = (, pb.Ntst)
@inline get_Ls(pb::MeshCollocationCache) = (pb.lagrange_vals, pb.lagrange_∂)
@inline getmesh(pb::MeshCollocationCache) = pb.mesh
@inline get_mesh_coll(pb::MeshCollocationCache) = pb.mesh_coll
get_max_time_step(pb::MeshCollocationCache) = maximum(diff(getmesh(pb)))
@inline Base.eltype(cache::MeshCollocationCache{𝒯}) where 𝒯 = 𝒯
@inline Base.size(cache::MeshCollocationCache) = (, cache.Ntst)
@inline get_Ls(cache::MeshCollocationCache) = (cache.lagrange_vals, cache.lagrange_∂)
@inline getmesh(cache::MeshCollocationCache) = cache.τs
@inline get_mesh_coll(cache::MeshCollocationCache) = cache.σs
get_max_time_step(cache::MeshCollocationCache) = maximum(diff(getmesh(cache)))
@inline τj(σ, τs, j) = τs[j] + (1 + σ)/2 * (τs[j+1] - τs[j])
# get the sigma corresponding to τ in the interval (𝜏s[j], 𝜏s[j+1])
# get the sigma corresponding to τ in the interval (τs[j], τs[j+1])
@inline σj(τ, τs, j) = -(2*τ - τs[j] - τs[j + 1])/(-τs[j + 1] + τs[j])

function lagrange(i::Int, x, z)
Expand All @@ -74,44 +78,44 @@ end
dlagrange(i, x, z) = ForwardDiff.derivative(x -> lagrange(i, x, z), x)

# should accept a range, ie σs = LinRange(-1, 1, m + 1)
function getL(σs::AbstractVector)
function compute_legendre_matrices(σs::AbstractVector{𝒯}) where 𝒯
m = length(σs) - 1
zs, = gausslegendre(m)
L = zeros(m + 1, m)
∂L = zeros(m + 1, m)
zs, ws = gausslegendre(m)
L = zeros(𝒯, m + 1, m)
∂L = zeros(𝒯, m + 1, m)
for j in 1:m+1
for i in 1:m
L[j, i] = lagrange(j, zs[i], σs)
∂L[j, i] = dlagrange(j, zs[i], σs)
return (;L, ∂L)
return (;L, ∂L, zg = zs, wg = ws)

Return all the times at which the problem is evaluated.
function get_times(pb::MeshCollocationCache)
m, Ntst = size(pb)
Ty = eltype(pb)
ts = zero(Ty)
tsvec = Ty[0]
τs = pb.mesh
σs = pb.mesh_coll
function get_times(cache::MeshCollocationCache{𝒯}) where 𝒯
m, Ntst = size(cache)
tsvec = zeros(𝒯, m * Ntst + 1)
τs = cache.τs
σs = cache.σs
ind = 2
for j in 1:Ntst
for l in 1:m+1
ts = τj(σs[l], τs, j)
l>1 && push!(tsvec, τj(σs[l], τs, j))
for l in 2:m+1
@inbounds t = τj(σs[l], τs, j)
tsvec[ind] = t
ind +=1
return vec(tsvec)
return tsvec

function update_mesh!(pb::MeshCollocationCache, mesh)
pb.mesh .= mesh
pb.full_mesh .= get_times(pb)
function update_mesh!(cache::MeshCollocationCache, τs)
cache.τs .= τs
cache.full_mesh .= get_times(cache)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,7 +278,7 @@ get_time_slices(x::AbstractVector, N, degree, Ntst) = reshape(x, N, degree * Nts
get_time_slices(pb::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, x) = @views get_time_slices(x[1:end-1], size(pb)...)
get_times(pb::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem) = get_times(pb.mesh_cache)
Returns the vector of size m+1, 0 = τ1 < τ1 < ... < τm+1 = 1
Returns the vector of size m+1, 0 = τ₁ < τ₂ < ... < τₘ < τₘ₊₁ = 1
getmesh(pb::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem) = getmesh(pb.mesh_cache)
get_mesh_coll(pb::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem) = get_mesh_coll(pb.mesh_cache)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -855,7 +859,9 @@ jacobian(prob::WrapPOColl, x, p) = prob.jacobian(x, p)
# for recording the solution in a branch
function getsolution(wrap::WrapPOColl, x)
if wrap.prob.meshadapt
return (mesh = copy(get_times(wrap.prob)), sol = x, _mesh = copy(wrap.prob.mesh_cache.mesh))
return (mesh = copy(get_times(wrap.prob)),
sol = x,
_mesh = copy(wrap.prob.mesh_cache.τs))
return x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1078,8 +1084,8 @@ function compute_error!(pb::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, x::AbstractVector{Ty};
kw...) where Ty
n, m, Ntst = size(pb)
period = getperiod(pb, x, nothing)
# get solution
sol = POSolution(deepcopy(pb), x)
# get solution, we copy x because it is overwritten at the end
sol = POSolution(deepcopy(pb), copy(x))
# derivative of degree m, indeed ∂(sol, m+1) = 0
dmsol = (sol, m)
# we find the values of vm := ∂m(x) at the mid points
Expand All @@ -1091,7 +1097,7 @@ function compute_error!(pb::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, x::AbstractVector{Ty};
# this is the function s^{(k)} in the above paper on page 63
# we want to estimate sk = s^{(m+1)} which is 0 by definition, pol of degree m
if isempty(findall(diff(meshT) .<= 0)) == false
@error "[In mesh-adaptation]. The mesh is non monotonic! Please report the error to the website of BifurcationKit.jl"
@error "[Mesh-adaptation]. The mesh is non monotonic! Please report the error to the website of BifurcationKit.jl"
return (success = false, newmeshT = meshT, ϕ = meshT)
sk = Ty[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1157,7 +1163,7 @@ function compute_error!(pb::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, x::AbstractVector{Ty};

# update solution
newsol = generate_solution(pb, t -> sol(t), period)
newsol = generate_solution(pb, sol, period)
x .= newsol

success = true
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