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add condensation of parameters in the case of a PO matrix which is bo…
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rveltz committed Feb 11, 2024
1 parent 9f76e6e commit 2072372
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Showing 2 changed files with 69 additions and 24 deletions.
81 changes: 58 additions & 23 deletions src/periodicorbit/PeriodicOrbitCollocation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1192,21 +1192,32 @@ end
@views function condensation_of_parameters(coll::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, J, rhs0)
@views function condensation_of_parameters(coll::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, J, rhs0, Jtmp, Jext)
@assert size(J, 1) == size(J, 2) == length(rhs0) "The right hand side does not have the right dimension or the jacobian is not square."
N, m, Ntst = size(coll)
nbcoll = N * m
n = N
nbcoll = N * m
# size of the periodic orbit problem.
# We use this to tackle the case where size(J, 1) > Nₚₒ
Npo = length(coll) + 1
nⱼ = size(J, 1)
is_bordered = nⱼ == Npo
δn = nⱼ - Npo # this allows to compute the border side
@assert δn >= 0
@assert size(Jext, 1) == size(Jext, 2) == Ntst*N+N+1+δn "Error with matrix of external variables. Please report this issue on the website of BifurcationKit. δn = $δn"
𝒯 = eltype(coll)
In = I(N)

P = Matrix{𝒯}(LinearAlgebra.I(nⱼ))
blockⱼ = zeros(𝒯, nbcoll, nbcoll)
rg = 1:nbcoll
rN = 1:N
for _ in 1:Ntst
Jtmp = J[rg, rg .+ n]
Jtmp = vcat(Jtmp, J[end, rg .+ n]')
Jtmp = vcat(Jtmp, J[Npo:(Npo+δn), rg .+ n])
F = lu(Jtmp)
P[rg, rg] .= ( F.P\F.L)[1:end-1, :]
P[end, rg] .= ( F.P\F.L)[end, :]
P[rg, rg] .= ( F.P\F.L)[1:end-1-δn, :]
P[Npo:(Npo+δn), rg] .= ( F.P\F.L)[end-δn:end, :]
rg = rg .+ nbcoll

Expand All @@ -1222,12 +1233,11 @@ end
rN = 1:N

# solving for the external variables
In = I(N)
Jext = zeros(Ntst*N+N+1, Ntst*N+N+1)
Jext[end-N:end-1,end-N:end-1] .= In
Jext[end-N:end-1,1:N] .= -In
Jext[end, end] = Jcond[end,end]
rhs_ext = 𝒯[]
Jext .= 0
Jext[end-δn-N:end-δn-1,end-δn-N:end-δn-1] .= In
Jext[end-δn-N:end-δn-1,1:N] .= -In
Jext[end-δn:end, end-δn:end] = Jcond[end-δn:end, end-δn:end]
rhs_ext = zeros(𝒯, size(Jext, 1))

# we solve for the external unknowns
for _ in 1:Ntst
Expand All @@ -1237,43 +1247,68 @@ end
Jext[rN, rN] .= Aᵢ
Jext[rN, rN .+ N] .= Bᵢ

Jext[rN, end] .= Jcond[r2, end]
Jext[rN, end-δn:end] .= Jcond[r2, Npo:(Npo+δn)]

Jext[end-δn:end, rN] .= Jcond[Npo:(Npo+δn), r1]
Jext[end-δn:end, rN .+ N] .= Jcond[Npo:(Npo+δn), r1 .+ nbcoll]

Jext[end, rN] .= Jcond[end, r1]
Jext[end, rN .+ N] .= Jcond[end, r1 .+ nbcoll]
rhs_ext[rN] .= rhs[r2]

append!(rhs_ext, copy(rhs[r2]))
r1 = r1 .+ nbcoll
r2 = r2 .+ nbcoll
rN = rN .+ N
append!(rhs_ext, rhs[r1])
append!(rhs_ext, [rhs[end]])
rhs_ext[rN] .= rhs[r1]
rhs_ext[end-δn:end] = rhs[end-δn:end]

sol_ext = Jext \ rhs_ext
ΔT = sol_ext[end]
F = lu!(Jext)
sol_ext = F \ rhs_ext
ΔT = sol_ext[end-δn]
Δp = sol_ext[end]

# we solver for the internal unknowns
sol_cop = copy(sol_ext[1:N])
r2 = N+1:(m)*N
r1 = 1:(m-1)*N
rsol = 1:(m-1)*N
rN_left = 1:N
rN = 1:N

sol_cop = copy(rhs)
rhs_tmp = zeros(𝒯, (m-1)*N)
sol_tmp = copy(rhs_tmp)

sol_cop[1:N] .= sol_ext[1:N]

for iₜ in 1:Ntst
Jtemp = UpperTriangular(Jcond[r1, r2])
left_part = Jcond[r1, rN_left]
right_part = Jcond[r1, r2[end]+1:r2[end]+N]
rhs_tmp = rhs[rsol] - left_part * sol_ext[rN] - right_part * sol_ext[rN .+ N] - ΔT * Jcond[r1, end]
sol_tmp = Jtemp \ rhs_tmp
append!(sol_cop, sol_tmp, sol_ext[rN .+ N])

# rhs_tmp = rhs[rsol] - left_part * sol_ext[rN] - right_part * sol_ext[rN .+ N] - ΔT * Jcond[r1, end]
if δn == 0
rhs_tmp .= @. rhs[rsol] - ΔT * Jcond[r1, end]
elseif δn == 1
rhs_tmp .= @. rhs[rsol] - ΔT * Jcond[r1, end-1] - Δp * Jcond[r1, end]
mul!(rhs_tmp, left_part, sol_ext[rN], -1, 1)
mul!(rhs_tmp, right_part, sol_ext[rN .+ N], -1, 1)

ldiv!(sol_tmp, Jtemp, rhs_tmp)

# append!(sol_cop, sol_tmp, sol_ext[rN .+ N])
sol_cop[rsol .+ N] .= sol_tmp
sol_cop[rsol[end]+N+1:rsol[end]+2N] .= sol_ext[rN .+ N]

r1 = r1 .+ nbcoll
r2 = r2 .+ nbcoll
rN_left = rN_left .+ nbcoll
rsol = rsol .+ nbcoll
rN = rN .+ N
push!(sol_cop, sol_ext[end])
sol_cop[end-δn:end] = sol_ext[end-δn:end]

12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion test/stuartLandauCollocation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -281,8 +281,18 @@ _rhs = rand(size(Jco, 1))
sol_bs = @time Jco \ _rhs;
Jco_tmp = zero(Jco)
Jext_tmp= zeros(Ntst*N+N+1, Ntst*N+N+1)
sol_cop = @time BK.condensation_of_parameters(prob_col, Jco, _rhs);
sol_cop = @time BK.condensation_of_parameters(prob_col, Jco, _rhs, Jco_tmp, Jext_tmp);
@test sol_bs sol_cop

# test case of a bordered system to test PALC like linear problems
Jco_bd = vcat(hcat(Jco, rand(size(Jco, 1))), rand(size(Jco, 1)+1)')
Jco_bd[end-1-N:end-2, end] .= 0
_rhs = rand(size(Jco_bd, 1))
sol_bs_bd = @time Jco_bd \ _rhs;
Jco_tmp = zero(Jco_bd)
Jext_tmp= zeros(Ntst*N+N+1+1, Ntst*N+N+1+1)
sol_cop_bd = @time BK.condensation_of_parameters(prob_col, Jco_bd, _rhs, Jco_tmp, Jext_tmp);
@test sol_bs_bd sol_cop_bd
# test Hopf aBS
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