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rveltz committed Jan 27, 2024
1 parent 194b5c1 commit b3ba34c
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Showing 4 changed files with 41 additions and 25 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ It incorporates continuation algorithms (PALC, deflated continuation, ...) based

> The idea is to be able to seemingly switch the continuation algorithm a bit like changing the time stepper (Euler, RK4,...) for ODEs.
`BifurcationKit` can also seek for periodic orbits of Cauchy problems. **It is by now, one of the only softwares which provides shooting methods *and* methods based on finite differences or collocation to compute periodic orbits.**
`BifurcationKit` can also seek for [periodic orbits]( of Cauchy problems. **It is by now, one of the only software which provides shooting methods *and* methods based on finite differences / collocation to compute periodic orbits.**

The current focus is on large scale nonlinear problems and multiple hardwares. Hence, the goal is to use Matrix Free methods on **GPU** (see [PDE example]( and [Periodic orbit example]( or on a **cluster** to solve non linear PDE, nonlocal problems, compute sub-manifolds...
The current focus is on large scale nonlinear problems and multiple hardwares. Hence, the goal is to provide Matrix Free methods on **GPU** (see [PDE example]( and [Periodic orbit example]( or on **cluster** to study non linear PDE, nonlocal problems, compute sub-manifolds...

> Despite this focus, the package can easily handle low dimensional problems and specific optimizations are regularly added.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ To install the bleeding edge version, please run

Most plugins are located in the organization [bifurcationkit](

- [HclinicBifurcationKit.jl]( computation and bifurcation analysis of homoclinic / heteroclinic orbits of ordinary differential equations (ODE)
- [HclinicBifurcationKit.jl]( bifurcation analysis of homoclinic / heteroclinic orbits of ordinary differential equations (ODE)
- [DDEBifurcationKit.jl]( bifurcation analysis of delay differential equations (DDE)
- [AsymptoticNumericalMethod.jl]( provides the numerical continuation algorithm **Asymptotic Numerical Method** (ANM) which can be used directly in `BifurcationKit.jl`
- [GridapBifurcationKit.jl]( bifurcation analysis of PDEs solved with the Finite Elements Method (FEM) using the package [Gridap.jl](
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40 changes: 24 additions & 16 deletions src/continuation/MoorePenrose.jl
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Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ internal_adaptation!(alg::MoorePenrose, swch::Bool) = internal_adaptation!(alg.t
function MoorePenrose(;tangent = PALC(),
method = direct,
function MoorePenrose(;tangent = PALC(),
method = direct,
ls = nothing)
if ~(method == iterative)
ls = isnothing(ls) ? DefaultLS() : ls
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function newton_moore_penrose(iter::AbstractContinuationIterable,
ϵ = getdelta(prob)
paramlens = getlens(iter)
contparams = getcontparams(iter)
T = eltype(iter)
𝒯 = eltype(iter)

@unpack method = iter.alg

Expand All @@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ function newton_moore_penrose(iter::AbstractContinuationIterable,
dX = _copy(res_f) # copy(res_f)
# dFdp = (F(x, p + ϵ) - res_f) / ϵ
dFdp = _copy(residual(prob, x, set(par, paramlens, p + ϵ)))
minus!(dFdp, res_f); rmul!(dFdp, T(1) / ϵ)
minus!(dFdp, res_f); rmul!(dFdp, one(𝒯) / ϵ)

res = normN(res_f)
residuals = [res]
Expand All @@ -162,35 +162,37 @@ function newton_moore_penrose(iter::AbstractContinuationIterable,
X = BorderedArray(x, p)
if linsolver isa AbstractIterativeLinearSolver || (method == iterative)
ϕ = _copy(τ0)
rmul!(ϕ, T(1) / norm(ϕ))
rmul!(ϕ, one(𝒯) / norm(ϕ))

while (step < max_iterations) && (res > tol) && line_step && compute
step += 1
# dFdp = (F(x, p + ϵ) - F(x, p)) / ϵ)
copyto!(dFdp, residual(prob, x, set(par, paramlens, p + ϵ)))
minus!(dFdp, res_f); rmul!(dFdp, T(1) / ϵ)
minus!(dFdp, res_f); rmul!(dFdp, one(𝒯) / ϵ)

# compute jacobian
J = jacobian(prob, x, set(par, paramlens, p))
if method == direct || method == pInv
@debug "Moore-Penrose direct/pInv"
Jb = hcat(J, dFdp)
if method == direct
dx, flag, converged = linsolver(Jb, res_f)
dx, flag, itlinear = linsolver(Jb, res_f)
~flag && @debug "[MoorePenrose] Linear solver did not converge."
# pinv(Array(Jb)) * res_f seems to work better than the following
dx = LinearAlgebra.pinv(Array(Jb)) * res_f; flag = true;
# dx = pinv(Array(Jb)) * res_f #seems to work better than the following
dx = LinearAlgebra.pinv(Array(Jb)) * res_f
flag = true;
itlinear = 1
x .-= @view dx[begin:end-1]
p -= dx[end]
itlinear = 1
@debug "Moore-Penrose Iterative"
# A = hcat(J, dFdp); A = vcat(A, ϕ')
# X .= X .- A \ vcat(res_f, 0)
# x .= X[begin:end-1]; p = X[end]
du, dup, flag, itlinear1 = linsolver(J, dFdp, ϕ.u, ϕ.p, res_f, zero(T), one(T), one(T))
du, dup, flag, itlinear1 = linsolver(J, dFdp, ϕ.u, ϕ.p, res_f, zero(𝒯), one(𝒯), one(𝒯))
minus!(x, du)
p -= dup
verbose && print_nonlinear_step(step, nothing, itlinear1)
Expand All @@ -204,13 +206,13 @@ function newton_moore_penrose(iter::AbstractContinuationIterable,
# compute jacobian
J = jacobian(prob, x, set(par, paramlens, p))
copyto!(dFdp, residual(prob, x, set(par, paramlens, p + ϵ)))
minus!(dFdp, res_f); rmul!(dFdp, T(1) / ϵ)
minus!(dFdp, res_f); rmul!(dFdp, one(𝒯) / ϵ)
# A = hcat(J, dFdp); A = vcat(A, ϕ')
# ϕ .= A \ vcat(zero(x),1)
u, up, flag, itlinear2 = linsolver(J, dFdp, ϕ.u, ϕ.p, zero(x), one(T), one(T), one(T))
~flag && @debug "Linear solver for (J-iω) did not converge."
u, up, flag, itlinear2 = linsolver(J, dFdp, ϕ.u, ϕ.p, zero(x), one(𝒯), one(𝒯), one(𝒯))
~flag && @debug "[MoorePenrose] Linear solver did not converge."
ϕ.u .= u; ϕ.p = up
# rmul!(ϕ, T(1) / norm(ϕ))
# rmul!(ϕ, one(𝒯) / norm(ϕ))
itlinear = (itlinear1 .+ itlinear2)
push!(residuals, res)
Expand All @@ -222,5 +224,11 @@ function newton_moore_penrose(iter::AbstractContinuationIterable,
verbose && print_nonlinear_step(step, res, 0, true) # display last line of the table
flag = (residuals[end] < tol) & callback((;x, res_f, nothing, residual=res, step, contparams, p, residuals, z0); fromNewton = false, kwargs...)
return NonLinearSolution(BorderedArray(x, p), prob, residuals, flag, step, itlineartot)

return NonLinearSolution(BorderedArray(x, p),
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions src/continuation/Palc.jl
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Expand Up @@ -506,6 +506,12 @@ function newton_palc(iter::AbstractContinuationIterable,
compute = callback((;x, res_f, J, residual=res, step, itlinear, contparams, z0, p, residuals, options = (;linsolver)); fromNewton = false, kwargs...)
verbose && print_nonlinear_step(step, res, 0, true) # display last line of the table
flag = (residuals[end] < tol) & callback((;x, res_f, residual=res, step, contparams, p, residuals, options = (;linsolver)); fromNewton = false, kwargs...)
return NonLinearSolution(BorderedArray(x, p), prob, residuals, flag, step, itlineartot)
flag = (residuals[end] < tol) & callback((;x, res_f, residual = res, step, contparams, p, residuals, options = (;linsolver)); fromNewton = false, kwargs...)

return NonLinearSolution(BorderedArray(x, p),
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/periodicorbit/PeriodicOrbitCollocation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ get_periodic_orbit(prob::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, x, p::Real) = get_periodic_o

# function needed for automatic Branch switching from Hopf bifurcation point
function re_make(prob::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, prob_vf, hopfpt, ζr::AbstractVector, orbitguess_a, period; orbit = t->t, k...)
function re_make(prob::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, prob_vf, hopfpt, ζr::AbstractVector, orbitguess_a, period; orbit = t -> t, k...)
M = length(orbitguess_a)
N = length(ζr)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1006,21 +1006,23 @@ function getmaximum(prob::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, x::AbstractVector, p)

# this function updates the section during the continuation run
@views function updatesection!(prob::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem, x, par; stride = 0)
@views function updatesection!(prob::PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem,
@debug "Update section Collocation"
# update the reference point
prob.xπ .= 0

# update the "normals"
prob.ϕ .= x[1:end-1]
prob.ϕ .= x[begin:end-1]
return true
# mesh adaptation method

# iterated derivatives
(f) = x -> ForwardDiff.derivative(f, x)
(f, n) = n == 0 ? f : ((f), n-1)
(f, n::Int) = n == 0 ? f : ((f), n-1)

@views function (sol::POSolution{ <: PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem})(t0)
n, m, Ntst = size(sol.pb)
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