Deterministic Neural Illuminant Mapping for Efficient Auto-White Balance Correction
Furkan Kınlı, Doğa Yılmaz, Barış Özcan, Furkan Kıraç
Accepted to RCV2023 at ICCV2023Abstract: Auto-white balance (AWB) correction is a critical operation in image signal processors (ISPs) for accurate and consistent color correction across various illumination scenarios. This paper presents a novel and efficient AWB correction method that achieves at least 35 times faster processing with equivalent or superior performance on high-resolution images for the current state-of-the-art methods. Inspired by deterministic color style transfer, our approach introduces deterministic illumination color mapping, leveraging learnable projection matrices for both canonical illumination form and AWB-corrected output. It involves feeding high-resolution images and corresponding latent representations into a mapping module to derive a canonical form, followed by another mapping module that maps the pixel values to those for the corrected version. This strategy is designed as resolution-agnostic and also enables seamless integration of any pre-trained AWB network as the backbone. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of our approach, revealing significant performance improvements and reduced time complexity compared to state-of-the-art methods. Our method provides an efficient deep learning-based AWB correction solution, promising real-time, high- quality color correction for digital imaging applications.
The official implementation of the paper titled "Deterministic Neural Illuminant Mapping for Efficient Auto-White Balance Correction". We propose a novel and efficient strategy for AWB correction, which learns deterministic color mappings for both canonical illumination and AWB-corrected forms with the help of learnable projection matrices.
To install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
8/8/2023: Release of the code
6/8/2023 Accepted to RCV2023 in conjunction with ICCV2023
26/7/2023: Submission of the paper to RCV2023 at ICCV2023
To train DeNIM from the scratch in the paper, run this command:
python --cfg configs/train_<backbone_type>_<patch_size>_<num_channels>.yaml
- Available backbones: "style_wb", "mixed_wb"
- Available patch sizes: 64, 128
- Available number of channels for different WB settings: 9, 15
To prepare pre-trained weights for both backbones and DeNIM, download files from link, then:
mv DeNIM/
cd DeNIM
To evaluate DeNIM on Cube+ dataset, run:
python --cfg configs/test_<backbone_type>_<patch_size>_<num_channels>.yaml --is_train False
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