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Qubic HW Companion Wallet

Qubic HW Companion Wallet is a frontend dApp that interacts with the Qubic blockchain using a Ledger device for signing transactions. It leverages the hw-app-qubic-react package to provide seamless integration with the Ledger hardware wallet.

Environment Variables

The application relies on the following environment variables for configuration:

  • REACT_APP_IS_DEMO_MODE="true" - Enables or disables the demo mode. When set to true, users can explore the application without connecting a Ledger device.
  • REACT_APP_QUBIC_DERIVATION_PATH="m/44'/1'/0'/0/0" - Specifies the derivation path for generating wallet addresses on the Ledger app.
  • REACT_APP_QUBIC_RPC_URL="" - Defines the RPC endpoint for communicating with the blockchain.

Compatible Browsers

The browser needs to support WebUSB/WebHID to interact with the Ledger device. These are the known compatible browsers:

  • Edge
  • Chrome


To install the necessary packages, run:

npm install

Development and Running Locally

You will need NodeJS to run this locally.

First, run the development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to start using or developing Qubic locally.


Home Page

On the home page, users can connect their Ledger device via USB or enter demo mode.

  • Connect with USB: Initializes the Qubic Ledger app and navigates to the wallet addresses page.
  • Go to demo mode: Sets the device type to demo and navigates to the wallet addresses page.

Wallet Addresses Page

On the wallet addresses page, users can generate new addresses, select an address, and view address details.

  • Generate New Address: Derives a new address using the Ledger device.
  • Select Address: Sets the selected address by index.
  • View Address Details: Displays the address details including balance and verification status.
  • Hide Sensitive Data: Blur sensitive data


const {
} = useQubicLedgerApp();

const handleGenerateNewAddress = () => {

const handleSelectAddress = (index) => {

Wallet Overview Page

On the wallet overview page, users can view their selected address, balance, and send transactions.

  • View Selected Address: Displays the selected address and its balance.
  • Send Transactions: Allows users to send transactions using the Ledger device for signing.


const { selectedAddress } = useQubicLedgerApp();
const { mutateAsync: sendTransactionSignedWithLedgerToRpc } =
const [isTransactionProcessing, setIsTransactionProcessing] = useState(false);

const onSubmitHandler = async (values: {
    sendTo: string;
    amount: number;
    tick: number;
    resetForm: () => void;
}) => {
    try {
        await sendTransactionSignedWithLedgerToRpc(values);
    } catch (error) {