WikiBrainDocker is a dockerfile for the purpose of extracting Cartograph-compatible data files from a Wikipedia of a given language. It is based on the default Ubuntu Docker image, and automatically downloads and installs all prerequisites for using WikiBrain and CartoExtractor. It automatically installs and runs CartoExtractor and WikiBrain. It then runs WikiBrain's loader on a Wikipedia of any language (specified by user), and runs the CartoExtractor pipeline. In order to run this or any other docker image, docker must be installed.
First, download and install Docker if it is not already installed. Then, go to Docker preferences, and under the "Advanced" tab, change the memory allocation to at least 10.0 GB.
Download WikiBrainDocker as a zip file from its GitHub page and unzip it. Alternatively, you can clone it with Git. Open a terminal window, and change your working directory to the uncompressed WikiBrainDocker folder.
If you are on a unix system and are looking for ease of use, simply run the following command:
where <WIKILANG> is the (usually two-letter) language code of the Wikipedia you'd like to download from, e.g. "en" for English or "zh" for Chinese (without the quotes). For example:
./ en
will download and extract the whole English Wikipedia, then output Cartograph-compatible data (in the form of .tsv files) to ./output (where . is the current working directory).
Alternatively, one can use "docker build -t IMAGENAME ." where IMAGENAME is the name you want to give your image (e.g. "WikiBrain") as a way of building the docker image. Once the image has been successfully built, run it by typing "docker run --sysctl kernel.shmmax=64205988352 --sysctl kernel.shmall=15675290 -v HOMEPATHFOROUTPUTFILES:/output --name outputFiles -it IMAGENAME" to then begin to run the shell.
The dockerfile does the following when it builds the image:
- Install Maven
- Install Java 8
- Check out and configure the wikibrain and cartoextractor repositories
- Install postgreSQL and postGIS
When a user runs the built image, it first does the following:
- Start up a PostgreSQL server daemon
- Add a "wikibrain" user and a "wikibrain_en" database in Postgresql
- Compile and generate data from the Wikibrain loader file for the simple english Wikipedia database
- Use that data in order to generate tsv files for use in visualization using the CartoExtractor extractor functionality.
- Save the generated files in a volume accessible to other containers and the local host
- Run a bash terminal for user input in the event that they'd like to modify the parameters.
The "docker run" command in automatically does the following:
- Set the kernel shmall value to 15.6 megabytes.
- Set the kernel shmmax value to 64.2 gigabytes.
- Custom setting changes to postgreSQL can be found in the postgres.conf file. These settings overwrite the default choices.
- The JVM memory allocation is set to 9 gigabytes (at runtime). Allocating less than this amount may lead to errors at runtime.
When running the loader and extractor files on your own, the following commands are done as default:
./ -Xmx3500m org.wikibrain.Loader -l LANGUAGE
exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="info.cartograph.Extractor" -Dexec.args="-o /output --base-dir ../wikibrain -r 1"
The versions for software installed are:
- Java 8
- PostgreSQL version 9.5
- PostGIS 2.3
- Ubuntu is based on the most current docker image available at runtime
By default, the /output directory is mapped to ./output. This directory can be changed in the ./ script before running. If you wish to use your own modified WikiBrain or CartoExtractor library, the devMode branch includes a separate dockerfile and script which will install all the necessary software but instead of cloning wikibrains and cartoextractor from the git master, this branch instead relies upon the user providing their own copy of WikiBrain and CartoExtractor. DevMode also doesn't run the loader and extractor, and instead provides a direct access to bash on runtime.
To use editions of Wikipedia other than Simple English, change the string after the -l flag when running the WikiBrain loader (the line that starts with './'). To change the output directory in the container, change the -o flag when you run the cartograph Extractor. Note that in, the /output directory is a volume that's also mounted to a directory on the host computer. Changing this directory may lead to being unable to find your files on the host machine after running.