Implementing Dr. Yale Patt's LC-3 ISA in Verilog.
Initially, this project will implement the LC-3 as per the microarchitecture documentation in Introduction to Computing Systems 2e Appendix C.
The second phase will involve putting the implementation onto a Xilinx Basys3 FPGA as well as implementing the LC-3 devices; I fear this will probably take most of the time due to the simplified nature of the interface they expose.
- make
- Icarus Verilog (simulation)
- Xilinx Vivado Web-Pack (FPGA implementation)
sudo pacman -S make iverilog
See for how to get Vivado running
sudo apt install build-essential iverilog
See for the Vivado Web-Pack download .
- Digilent Basys 3 Artix-7 FPGA Trainer board (this will be the only FPGA I will be testing this on)