Asterisk 18.10.1 built on Debian Bullseye
The intent of this project is to function as the base for another Docker that will actually use jinja2 templates to configure and run Asterisk in a container.
My projects were forked from the respoke/asterisk github repo so I could use newer Debian and Asterisk versions.
This image will contain Asterisk built from source code but does not run it, I do that in a separate Dockerfile to control all the configuration.
The build is done in Docker now, then pushed to Docker Hub. But if you want, you can build locally with
docker build -t wildsong/asterisk .
Include in a Dockerfile, like this
FROM wildsong/asterisk:latest
or fork the github project if you want more control
git clone
cd docker-build-asterisk
docker build -t build-asterisk .
The entrypoint of this image looks for any Jinja2 templates in /etc/asterisk/
processes them, replacing variables with the environment variable of the same name.
If you use this image as the base for your own Dockerfile, you can add Jinja2
templates to the /etc/asterisk/
directory with the file extension .j2
and they will
be processed. See the Official Jinja2 Template Designer Documentation for
details on the template syntax.
You can do this but it's pointless because the asterisk will be unconfigured. Pull wildsong/asterisk into your own Dockerfile.
All I have so far is the "latest".
dockerhub respoke/asterisk
Official Jinja2 Template Designer Documentation
Changed the Asterisk version number.
Added the LICENSE file.
Added the build and Docker Hub upload action. Builds happen in Github now.
Changed the Asterisk version number.
Changed from python-pip to python3-pip.
Removed the libsrtp0-dev, this is probably a mistake but that package no longer exists.
Changed Asterisk version number in Dockerfile.
Removed libjansson-dev package. It's too old.
Added '--with-jansson-bundle' in