Fix bug
- Fix bug with `dynamic_root = true` option not working #211
🗑️ Deprecated API
- `require('livepreview').preview_file()`. Use `require('livepreview').live_start()` instead.
- `require('livepreview').stop_preview()`. Use `require('livepreview').live_stop()` instead.
✨ New features
🔍 Integration with telescope.nvim
To use this feature, make sure you have installed nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
Then, set `telescope.autoload` to `true` in the configuration table of live-preview.nvim. It will automatically load the `Telescope livepreview` extension when the plugin is set up.
Alternatively, you can load the extension in your Neovim configuration file:
Now you can run `:Telescope livepreview` to open live-preview.nvim's Telescope picker.
⚙️ New configuration options
`autokill` (default: `false` or `v:false`): If true, the plugin will automatically kill other processes running on the same port (except for Neovim) when starting the server.
File path as optional argument for the command to start server
You can now pass a file path as an argument to the command `:LivePreview` (or whatever you configure) to open that file in the browser. For example, `:LivePreview Documents/file.md`.
Availability on Luarocks 🪨
Now you can use rocks.nvim to install live-preview.nvim with a single command:
:Rocks install live-preview.nvim