Note: `opts` means the configuration table of `live-preview.nvim`.
Bug fixes
- Files with spaces in their names don't work properly #254
Breaking changes
Configuration no longer handles the `opts.cmd` option. The user command used by live-preview.nvim is always `LivePreview`.
Default changes
`sync_scroll` is now `true` by default (but currently it only works with Markdown)
New features
Supports `svg` files.
New configuration function `require('livepreview.config').set(opts)`. Using this is recommended to avoid loading the whole plugin on startup
The old configuration function `require('livepreview').setup(opts)` is still kept for backwards compatibility, but you should use the new one. -
Since v0.9.2, you can preview Markdown, AsciiDoc and SVG files with live update as you type without the plugin `autosave.nvim`. However, you may still need `autosave.nvim` for HTML files.
g:loaded_livepreview for disabling the plugin on startup
Note: `opts` means the configuration table passed to the function `require('livepreview').setup(opts)`.