Implementation of a basic SMTP daemon in various languages and platforms.
I created this project as an exercise in polyglot programming and to test the performance of various frameworks. A lot of inspiration for this project came from HelloD.
All implementations have roughly the same functionality, which is at the "hello world" level. They listen on all interfaces for connections on port 2525 and blackhole incoming emails. For a more complete implementation of an SMTP server, you need to look for other open source projects.
cd erlang
1> application:start(smtpd).
cd go
cd java-netty
cd jruby-netty
jruby smtp_server.rb
cd node
node smtpd.js
cd ruby-coolio
ruby smtpd.rb
cd ruby-em
ruby smtpd.rb
cd ruby-cell-ev
jruby --1.9 smtpd.rb
cd ruby-cell-th
jruby --1.9 smtpd.rb
Performance testing with smtpsource. This program is distributed with Postfix.
time smtp-source -c -d -l 32000 -m 10000 -N -s 30
See for test results from my MacBook Pro with 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7.