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Lab - Class 18

Project: Serverless API

Problem Domain

The purpose of this API is to provide a serverless solution for managing a collection of records within a DynamoDB table. Each record represents a person with attributes such as ID, first name, last name, and city. The API supports creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting records through a set of defined endpoints.


Serverless API UML


  • ChatGPT by OpenAI: Used as a programming partner for brainstorming ideas, debugging code, formulating tests, and drafting documentation. ChatGPT's contributions were invaluable in enhancing the efficiency and quality of the development process.


.env requirements (where applicable)

A .env file is included in local repository. A .env-sample file is uploaded to the remote repo so collaborators understand what environmental variables are being used.

How to initialize/run your application (where applicable)

  • e.g. npm start

How to use your library (where applicable)

API Endpoints

The following section outlines the root URL, available routes, expected inputs, and outputs for the API.

Root URL

The root URL to access the API is:


  • POST /people

    • Input: JSON object in the request body containing firstName, lastName, and city.
    • Output: JSON object representing the newly created record, including its id.
  • GET /people

    • Input: None required.
    • Output: Array of JSON objects representing all the records in the database.
  • GET /people/{id}

    • Input: id parameter in the path to specify the record.
    • Output: JSON object representing one record, identified by id.
  • PUT /people/{id}

    • Input: id parameter in the path to specify the record, and a JSON object in the request body with fields to update.
    • Output: JSON object representing the updated record, including its id.
  • DELETE /people/{id}

    • Input: id parameter in the path to specify the record to be deleted.
    • Output: Confirmation message indicating the deletion was successful.

Each route is designed to be intuitive and RESTful, ensuring ease of use and compatibility with standard HTTP operations.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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