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LAB - Class 31

Project: ToDo App

Author: Bryan O. Garduno Gonzalez

Problem Domain

In this phase of the ToDo App, significant enhancements were made to improve user customization and application efficiency. By integrating the Context API, the app now allows users to modify default settings, including the number of tasks displayed per page, whether to hide or display completed tasks, and a sort by option. These settings adjustments are facilitated through a new component, which can be accessed directly from the main navigation, ensuring ease of use and improved navigation. Crucially, users' updated preferences are saved to Local Storage, enabling the application to retrieve and apply these settings upon startup. This development ensures a more personalized and seamless user experience, catering to individual preferences and enhancing overall task management.

Links and Resources


  • ChatGPT by OpenAI: Used as a programming partner for brainstorming ideas, debugging code, formulating tests, and drafting documentation.


.env requirements (where applicable)

A .env file is included in local repository. A .env-sample file is uploaed to the remote repo so collaborators understand what environmental variables are being used.

How to initialize/run your application (where applicable)

  • e.g. npm start

How to use your library (where applicable)


Backend API with Express and MongoDB

The ToDo App now includes a robust backend API built with Express.js and MongoDB. This backend infrastructure provides a solid foundation for handling data persistence, user authentication, and task management. The API follows RESTful principles and offers endpoints for various operations, such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting tasks and users.

User Authentication and Authorization

The app implements a secure user authentication and authorization system. Users can register an account, log in with their credentials, and access protected routes based on their roles and permissions. The backend utilizes JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication, ensuring that only authenticated users can perform certain actions like creating or modifying tasks.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

To enhance security and user management, the app incorporates Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Each user is assigned a specific role, such as "Admin," "Manager," or "User," which determines their level of access and permissions within the app. The backend enforces these roles and permissions, ensuring that users can only perform actions allowed by their assigned role.

Data Persistence with MongoDB

The backend integrates with MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, to provide reliable data persistence. Task and user data are stored in separate collections, allowing for efficient querying and manipulation. The Mongoose library is used as an Object-Document Mapper (ODM) to facilitate interactions with the database, providing a convenient and structured way to define data models and perform database operations.

Error Handling and Logging

The backend implements robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle and respond to errors that may occur during API requests. It includes custom error classes and middleware to catch and format errors, providing meaningful error messages to the client. Additionally, the app utilizes a logging system to track important events, errors, and user actions, aiding in debugging and monitoring the application's behavior.

Context-Driven Configuration

The latest enhancements in the ToDo App introduce a refined approach to managing global settings and task operations through the Context API, focusing on user customization and efficient task management. The app utilizes two main contexts, SettingsContext and TasksContext, to centralize configuration and streamline task management processes.

SettingsContext has been upgraded to dynamically manage and persist user preferences for the application's display settings. It allows users to customize how many tasks are shown per page, whether completed tasks are displayed, and the criteria for sorting tasks, such as by task name. These preferences are stored in Local Storage, ensuring that users' customization choices are retained and automatically applied upon each app startup, fostering a personalized user experience.

TasksContext offers an organized framework for task operations, including adding, deleting, completing, and permanently removing tasks. This context now also supports sorting tasks based on the user-defined settings in SettingsContext, ensuring a consistent and intuitive task management experience. Tasks are saved to Local Storage, allowing for persistence and retrieval of user data, enhancing the app's usability and reliability.

Modern UI with Mantine

The app incorporates the Mantine library to provide a modern and cohesive user interface. The MantineProvider wraps the entire application, ensuring that Mantine's styles and components are available throughout the app, promoting a uniform look and feel.

Dynamic Routing with React Router

Utilizing react-router-dom, the app defines a structured layout and navigation system. The App component sets up a layout that includes a Navbar, a main content area (Outlet), and a Footer. This structure is complemented by dynamic routing, allowing for seamless navigation between different pages like Home, Tasks, Calendar, and Account without reloading the page.

Task Management and UI Interaction

The application's task management functionalities have been enhanced to provide a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience. Users are now equipped with advanced capabilities for managing their tasks, reflecting a significant improvement in the application's usability:

  • Adding Tasks: Users can now add tasks with detailed properties including "Name", "Description", "Assignee", and a "Difficulty" level, with the options being 'Easy', 'Medium', and 'Hard'. This allows for a more organized and specific categorization of tasks, improving the task management process.
  • Rendering Tasks: The added tasks are displayed in a structured manner using the <List /> component, which organizes the tasks within a table format. This enhances the visual presentation and accessibility of tasks, making it easier for users to navigate and manage their to-do list.
  • Completing Tasks: Users have the ability to mark tasks as completed, further streamlining the task management experience. All completed tasks are aggregated and displayed by the <CompletedTasks /> component, providing a clear overview of accomplishments.

Trash Bin Feature

A key addition to the application's task management capabilities is the Trash Bin feature, designed to offer users greater control and flexibility over their task deletions. This feature addresses the need for a safety net when tasks are removed, either intentionally or by mistake, enhancing the user experience with a layer of protection against accidental deletions.

  • Deleting Tasks: Users have the ability to delete tasks from their current list. Instead of permanent deletion, tasks are moved to a dedicated "Deleted Tasks" area. This approach mimics the functionality of a trash bin, allowing users to reconsider their decision before finalizing the deletion of any task.
  • Trash Bin Management: The tasks marked for deletion are collected and displayed in the "Deleted Tasks" window, rendered by the <DeletedTasks /> component. Within this window, users are presented with two options: they can either restore the deleted task back to their active list if the deletion was unintended or permanently remove the task from the trash bin. This dual-option functionality provides a fail-safe, ensuring that tasks are only permanently deleted when the user is certain of their decision.

The introduction of the Trash Bin feature significantly augments the application's task management system, offering users a forgiving mechanism to manage task deletions and recover from accidental losses, thereby enhancing overall user satisfaction and the usability of the application.

Responsive Navbar with Framer Motion

The ToDo App introduces a responsive Navbar component, enhanced with animations using framer-motion. This feature enables a smooth transition for the mobile menu, creating an engaging user experience. The navbar dynamically adjusts to screen size, displaying a full menu for desktop views and a collapsible menu for mobile views, triggered by the IconMenu2 icon. The collapsible state is managed by a useState hook, and the transition effect is applied as the menu slides in from the side, providing a modern and interactive navigation system.


Testing Setup and Implementation

  • Testing Framework: Utilization of Vitest for effective React component and application logic testing.

  • Test Environment Configuration: Adjustments in vite.config.js and .eslintrc.cjs to align with the React Testing Library.

  • Testing Scripts: The package.json includes a test script for executing tests with coverage reporting.

  • React Testing Integration: Empowers user-centric testing for React components.

  • Global Test Setup: Implemented in tests/setup.js, standardizing testing behaviors, including cleanup after each test.

Component Testing

The ToDo App emphasizes thorough testing for each of its components to ensure functionality and user satisfaction. Here's an overview of the testing approaches for key components:

Form Component (Form/Form.test.jsx)

The tests for the Form component focus on its rendering and interaction capabilities. It includes checks to ensure all form elements are correctly displayed, such as input fields for task details, assignee, and difficulty level, as well as the submit button. Additionally, it tests user interactions with the form, verifying that input values are accurately captured and handled within the component.

Navbar Component (Navbar/Navbar.test.jsx)

The Navbar component tests ensure that the navbar is properly rendered, including the display of the logo and navigation links for different sections of the app like Home, Tasks, Calendar, and Account. Tests also cover the responsive aspects of the Navbar, particularly the functionality of the mobile menu icon and the display of navigation links in a mobile view.

Footer Component (Footer/Footer.test.jsx)

Testing for the Footer component verifies its presence and the correct rendering of social media icons, such as Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. The tests confirm that the footer is displayed with all social icons, ensuring the app's footer maintains consistent branding and provides user access to social channels.

AddTask Component (AddTask.test.jsx)

Testing of the AddTask component ensures it effectively facilitates the task addition process. The tests verify that the component not only renders the form accurately but also captures user inputs for task details, including name, description, assignee, and difficulty. A key aspect of testing includes confirming the successful display of a confirmation modal upon task submission, offering immediate feedback to the user. This component's tests underscore its role in enhancing the app's task management capabilities, ensuring a user-friendly experience from task creation to submission.

These tests collectively ensure the components of the ToDo App are reliable and function as intended, providing a solid user experience.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, execute the npm test command.

Incomplete or Skipped Tests

At this stage, all essential component tests have been implemented. Any future tests or enhancements will be noted in subsequent updates or phases.

