This is a game launcher for Arma3 64bit client.
This app made with electron, Riot.js and Uikit css framework.
- x64 client support
- Addon manager
- launch options
Download zip file to link and extract it into folder of your choice.
Double click to "arma3launcher64.exe" in that folder to launch the app.
This is a electron app. So, you need electron npm package.
- Node.js v6.0+
- electron v1.6.2
- electron-packager
- (When you build this app with Mac) wine
$ npm i -g electron electron-packager
$ git clone
$ cd arma3_launcher_for_x64/
$ npm i
$ bower install
$ npm run total-build-win # when your machine is unix/linux, you can use "npm run total-build-unix"
$ npm build-dev
$ electron ./app
- butaosuinu : planning, coding and etc
- raika siray : icon image