DiscordGo v0.22.0
Hi all! This version is a bit of a smaller one, but with one big change to long-time users of the library: the develop
branch is no more! We found that the divide was confusing for first-time contributors, and while it was necessary is the old days of Go, modules make the two-branch workflow unnecessary. We will now keep all changes in a single branch for simplicity. Still, we do have a few new features, and I'd be remiss if I didn't mention them:
Special Thanks To
- https://github.com/PrincessRavy
- https://github.com/DylanMeador
- https://github.com/TroyDota
- https://github.com/redbluescreen
for all the help and contributions to this project—leading to this release! You are all very appreciated!
New Features
- General field updates to reflect API changes #785
- Fetching of guild emojis from API #786
- Support removal of user from voice channel #789
- Allowed mentions functionality for webhooks #794
As a plus, this one-branch workflow should allow us to release...well...releases more often, as instead of a merge all that will be required is a new tag. Move fast and break things, as they say (or said).