A small library to enable the fast creation of Graphical User Interfaces for python based toolboxes.
Bring you python API to the masses, easily and convinently.
pip install toolbox-creator-CFI
pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple toolbox-creator-CFI
- Create a toolbox from your python library fast
- Cross platform GUI
- Python native
- Bundle to .exe, .dmg or .bin using pyinstaller
- Built on PySimpleGUI
An executable can be created through pyinstaller like so:
pyinstaller -wF --noconfirm --clean --noconsole --icon=path_to_ico_file path_to_gui_script.py
pyinstaller -wF --noconfirm --clean --noconsole --icon=./globe_icon.ico gui.py
On windows, it is necessary to wrap the function to ensure it forks the process correctly. It is currently only possible to have one function window open at a time on Windows. This will be fixed in a future release. multiple windows can be enabled by setting run_subprocess=True
def main():
tools = {} # define tools here.
create_gui(tools, create_console=True)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Opens a file dialog to select a single file.
Opens a file dialog to save a single file. File types can be specified.
Opens a file dialog and enable the selection of multiple files.
Opens a dialog to enable the selection of a folder.
Same as folder_open.
Create a number input field. Only integers and floats are allowed. Minimum and maximim values can be specified.
"a_parameter_taking_a_number": {
"type": "number",
"min_value": 0, # Optional. Default: -inf
"max_value": 100, # Optional. Default: +inf
Create a string or password input field. Password is the same as string, but the input is hidden in the display.
"a_parameter_taking_a_string": {
"type": "string", # Or type: "password" for hidden characters
"min_length": 1, # Optional. Default: 0
"max_length": 100, # Optional. Default: =inf
Create a bolean input field. Output will be True or False.
"a_parameter_taking_a_bool": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": True, # Optional. Default: False
Create a radio input field. Must have multiple values and one default value.
"a_parameter_with_radio_options": {
"type": "radio",
"options": [
"label": "Windows (\\r\\n)",
"key": "windows",
"value": "\r\n",
"default": True, # Default option must be specified.
"label": "Unix (\\n)",
"key": "linux",
"value": "\n",
"label": "Mac (\\r)",
"key": "macos",
"value": "\r",
Creates a drop down field of multiple values.
"a_parameter_with_dropdown_options": {
"type": "dropdown",
"options": [
{"label": "Commas (,)", "value": ",", "default": True}, # Default option must be specifed.
{"label": "Spaces ( )", "value": " "},
{"label": "Semicolons (;)", "value": ";"},
{"label": "Other..", "value": "other"},
Creates a horisontal slider field for numerical values. Min, max, and step values can be specified.
"a_parameter_with_a_numerical_value_as_input": {
"type": "slider",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 100,
"step": 1,
Creates a date selector. Output of selection is in the format yyyymmdd
"a_parameter_taking_a_date_as_input": {
"type": "date_year",
"default": "days_ago_14", # optional. Default: "today". options are: days_ago_x, today, or a specific date
These options are available for all input types.
"display_name": "Parameter name", # The parameter name to show in the toolbox.
"default": 100, # Default value.
"keyword": True, # Pass parameter as arg or kwarg. Default arg.
"tooltip": "This tooltip is displayed on hover", # Tooltip to display on hover.
"enabled_by": {"other_parameter": ["value"]}, # If other parameter has value. Show parameter, otherwise hide.
import os
def add_line_to_csv(file_path, line, linebreak="\n"):
""" Add a line to a CSV file. """
with open(file_path, "a") as file:
file.write(line + linebreak)
return 1
return 0
# Example function to run
def create_dummy_csv_file(
Creates a dummy csv file with rows and cols. Not very useful, but it's a good example.
file_path = os.path.join(folder, prefix + name + postfix + ".csv")
if other_seperator is not None:
seperator = other_seperator
row = ("example" + seperator) * cols
with open(file_path, "w") as file:
if include_header:
header = ("header" + seperator) * cols
add_line_to_csv(os.path.join(folder, file_path), header, linebreak)
for _ in range(rows):
add_line_to_csv(os.path.join(folder, file_path), row, linebreak)
if verbose:
print(f"Created file: {file_path} on {metadata_date}")
return file_path
tools = {}
tools["Create CSV Simple"] = {
"description": "Creates a new empty CSV file.",
"function": create_dummy_csv_file,
"parameters": [
"name": {
"type": "string",
"display_name": "File Name", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"default": "", # Optional. Default: ""
"tooltip": "The name of the csv file to create.", # Optional. Default: ""
"out_folder": {
"type": "folder_open",
"display_name": "Out Folder", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"tooltip": "The path to folder to save the CSV file.", # Optional. Default: ""
tools["Create CSV Advanced"] = {
"description": "Creates a new empty CSV file. (Advanced method.)",
"function": create_csv_file,
"parameters": [
"name": {
"type": "string",
"display_name": "File Name", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"default": "new_csv_file", # Optional. Default: ""
"min_length": 1, # Optional. Default: 0
"tooltip": "The name of the csv file to create.", # Optional. Default: ""
"out_folder": {
"type": "folder_open",
"display_name": "Out Folder", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"tooltip": "The path to folder to save the CSV file.", # Optional. Default: ""
"cols": {
"type": "number",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 100,
"display_name": "Number of Columns", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"default": 1, # Optional. Default: 0
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"tooltip": "The number of columns in the CSV file.", # Optional. Default: ""
"rows": {
"type": "slider",
"min_value": 0,
"max_value": 100,
"step": 1,
"display_name": "Number of Rows", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"default": 1, # Optional. Default: min_value
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"tooltip": "The number of rows in the CSV file.", # Optional. Default: ""
"seperator": {
"type": "dropdown",
"options": [
{"label": "Commas (,)", "value": ",", "default": True},
{"label": "Tabs ( )", "value": "\t"},
{"label": "Spaces ( )", "value": " "},
{"label": "Semicolons (;)", "value": ";"},
{"label": "Colons (:)", "value": ":"},
{"label": "Dashes (-)", "value": "-"},
{"label": "Underscores (_)", "value": "_"},
{"label": "Dots (.)", "value": "."},
{"label": "Bars (|)", "value": "|"},
{"label": "Other..", "value": "other"},
"display_name": "Seperator", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"tooltip": "The seperator to use in the CSV file.", # Optional. Default: ""
"other_seperator": {
"type": "string",
"display_name": "Other Seperator", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"max_length": 4, # Optional. Default: +inf
"default": ",", # Optional. Default: ""
"enabled_by": {"seperator": ["other"]}, # Optional. Default: None
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"tooltip": "The seperator to use in the CSV file.", # Optional. Default: ""
"metadata_date": {
"type": "date_year",
"display_name": "Metadata Date", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"default": "today", # optional. Default: "today". options are: days_ago_x, today, or a specific date
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"tooltip": "The date to use in the metadata.", # Optional. Default: ""
"include_header": {
"type": "boolean",
"display_name": "Include Header", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"default": True, # Optional. Default: False
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"tooltip": "Include a header row in the CSV file.", # Optional. Default: ""
"linebreak": {
"type": "radio",
"options": [
"label": "Windows (\\r\\n)",
"key": "windows",
"value": "\r\n",
"default": True,
{"label": "Unix (\\n)", "key": "linux", "value": "\n"},
{"label": "Mac (\\r)", "key": "macos", "value": "\r"},
"display_name": "Linebreak", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"tooltip": "The linebreak to use in the CSV file.", # Optional. Default: ""
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"prefix": {
"type": "string",
"display_name": "Prefix", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"default": "", # Optional. Default: ""
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"tooltip": "Prefix to add to the file name.", # Optional. Default: ""
"postfix": {
"type": "string",
"display_name": "Postfix", # Optional. Default: parameter name
"default": "", # Optional. Default: ""
"keyword": True, # Optional. Default: False
"tooltip": "Postfix to add to the file name.", # Optional. Default: ""
if __name__ == "__main__":
from toolbox_creator.gui import create_gui
create_gui(tools, name="Example Toolbox")
python -m build
python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*