Casper Hansen, Christian Hansen, Lucas Chaves Lima (2021). Automatic Fake News Detection: Are Models Learning to Reason? ACL 2021
- Make sure to download the dataset (, and place in the same directory as code-acl.
- Install a python environment with the required packages (requirements.txt)
- replace the from the hypopt packages with provided in the source code. (The original hypopt code contains a bug).
- When you run the code for the first time, it might take some time to download pretrained language models and GloVe word embeddings.
- You can run the RF, LSTM, and BERT models using the examples below (it runs the models on Snopes using only claims as input)
- RF: python --dataset snes --inputtype CLAIM_ONLY --model bow
- LSTM: python --dataset snes --inputtype CLAIM_ONLY --model lstm --batchsize 16 --lr 0.0001 --lstm_hidden_dim 128 --lstm_layers 2 --lstm_dropout 0.1
- BERT: python --dataset snes --inputtype CLAIM_ONLY --model bert --batchsize 8 --lr 3e-6
- You can create the table and plots from the paper based on your results by running: python