CJ Brown 2018-04-16
I am no longer maintaining this package. So it is not up to date with developments in simmr and mixsiar. However, my package BayeSens
can be used for the same purpose and a vignette is included with BayeSens explaining how to calculate information criteria.
This is supplementary material prepared in support of the paper: "Quantifying learning in biotracer studies" Christopher J. Brown, Michael Brett, Fernanda Adame, Ben Stewart-Koster, Stuart Bunn Oecologia. In press.
Please contact [email protected] or pull a request on this github project if you identify any issues.
To install this beta version package, open R and type:
Then you need my BayeSens package:
Finally, you can install remixsiar:
If install_github
is causing you strife (like me, maybe its a windows 10 thing?), then try this:
- click clone or download (scroll up and you will see the green button)
- download the zip archive and unzip it.
- Open R
- Run
install.packages("C:/Documents/remixsiar", repos = NULL, type = "source")
using whatever local path is appropriate.
To get help on using the package from within R: