Inclinometer / accelerometer system for measuring inclination angle and tuning motors. Please use file '' as this is the script that will automatically name files. If it does not run properly, resort to '', which is the original (tested) version.
- NOTE: The 'x', 'y', and 'z' labels on the diagram do not correspond to the correct input channels anymore, due to rewiring that was done. Please do a quick run and just turn them around before use to make sure you know which channel is x/y/z for each accelerometer

the 16hz line (this is caused by the fibre-media converter)
the 0.5hz line and its odd harmonics (this is caused by ??? idk bro ???)
the 'outside' accelerometer (one with a longer wire) was observed to have some strange spurious signals (mainly observed in its x and z channels), in the range of >20Hz. You can see this a bit in the figure above in channels 2 and 3. Keep an eye on that one! :)