We developed CompassR to support more in-depth analyses and visualizations of CRE-gene linkages. CompassR is an open source R package built upon CompassDB. CompassR can be used to analyze and visualize CRE-gene linkages in one or multiple samples, and identify TFs whose motifs are enriched in selected CREs.
To install the latest release of CompassR from GitHub:
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE))
Here, we provide three examples for using CompassR from tissue level, celltype level, and single-sample level.
- Tissue level: Please go the the tissue_example.Rmd for tissue-level example.
- Celltype level: Please go the the celltype_example.Rmd for celltype-level example.
- Sample level: Please go the the sample_example.Rmd for sample-level example.