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First unzip your zipped up file from me

Unzip the file like so

tar -xf chasebrignac.tar.gz
mv chasebrignac simtooreal
cd simtooreal

For local development

Install homebrew

sudo /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

For Unix/Linux OS you might go to the official Terraform site and download bin-file with software.

Install docker
Download here
Follow the instructions to install it and start docker desktop

Install Postman
Download here
Follow the instructions to install it

Install terraform

brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform

This was my version of terraform and my providers chase@Chases-MacBook-Pro simtooreal % terraform --version
Terraform v0.14.9

  • provider v3.33.0
  • provider v2.2.0

Install aws cli

brew install awscli

Install ansible

brew install ansible

Install postgres

brew install postgres

Install python annd packages for testing the API

brew install python3
pip3 install requests
pip3 install coolname

Only use this command when you want to setup your local environment variables in a new shell window

export PGPASSWORD=magical_password && export POSTGRESQL_HOST_FROM_DOCKER=simtooreal_database_1 && export POSTGRESQL_USER_NAME=unicorn_user && export POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=magical_password && POSTGRESQL_HOST=localhost

To start the app locally

untar chasebrignac.tar.gz
cd simtooreal
echo 'OPENAI_API_KEY=<your OpenAI API key>' > .env
docker-compose down --volumes && docker-compose build --no-cache && docker-compose up

To enter the local database in another terminal on your machine

psql --host=localhost --username=unicorn_user --dbname=simtooreal -w

When you want to quit the app locally use ctrl+c in the window you started the app in If you would like to restart the app with some code changes locally use this command

docker-compose down --volumes && docker-compose build --no-cache && docker-compose up

To see log messages related to simtooreal_app run this command

docker service logs simtooreal_app

To see the "CURRENT STATE" of a service and even "ERROR" messages run this command

docker service ps simtooreal_app

visit localhost in your browser to see the app running If you ever run into this error

ERROR: for simtooreal_app_1  Cannot create container for service app: max depth exceeded

ERROR: for app  Cannot create container for service app: max depth exceeded
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

Have no fear it just means you have made too many docker images To make this message go away run this command

docker system prune -a

If you want to replace all data from the database but you are running a docker stack you will first need to run these commands

docker stack rm simtooreal
docker system prune -a
docker volume rm simtooreal_database-data
docker stack deploy --compose-file=docker-compose.yml simtooreal

Buy a domain

Buy a domain like domain and make sure you can use it in your us-east-1 account
Don't forget to update any instance of with your domain in

Setup AWS credentials

Setup an AWS key pair in IAM console in us-east-1 for setting up the infrastructure in terraform and use these as <your aws id> and <your aws key>

Gain access to GPT-3

Setup a GPT-3 Beta access account and use the key found here as <your OpenAI API key>

Make a private and public ssh key pair

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

Press enter a few times to accept defaults until the command is done

Start the ssh agent in the background

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Add SSH private key to the ssh-agent

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Run the following commands to setup all infrastructure

Put your public ssh key (~/.ssh/ in the resource "aws_key_pair" "simtooreal" section of the terraform file as the string value of public_key in quotation marks so you can login to the bastion later

You also need to update the IP address allowed to attempt public subnet SSH access in
you will find this in the following section:
"aws_security_group" "simtooreal_public"

To initialize terraform and get the external modules used use these commands

Setup a terraform cloud account at

Make an organization and a workspace in terraform cloud making sure to integrate your workspace with your github repo

Export your sensitive information as environment variables in terraform cloud located here under Environment Variables

Your environment variables are all sensitive so be sure when you add a variable key value pair you check "sensitive" checkbox

TF_VAR_openai_api_key = <your OpenAI API key>
TF_VAR_db_password = <insert database password>
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = <your aws id>
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = <your aws key>
TF_VAR_aws_access_key_id = <your aws id>
TF_VAR_aws_secret_access_key = <your aws key>

Now when you push to github terraform cloud will automatically attempt an apply, show you the resulting changes, and ask for your manual confirmation of a run here before terraform infrastructure is applied

Then state is updated and managed in the cloud automatically for you here

Multiple people can use this, you don't always need to terraform apply, and you don't need to manage sensitive passwords or state on your local machine

Wait for terraform apply to finish and you should have a green output in your run if all goes well

Enable ssh key agent forwarding and login to the bastion and the private instance to setup the database

Open up your ssh config and edit it making sure to use the IP addresses you just found for your instances

nano ~/.ssh/config
Host *
  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  ForwardAgent yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  User ubuntu
  User ubuntu
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p

Close the file Make sure the config file isn't accessible to everyone

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

Now you will login to your private machine without storing any credentials on the bastion

ssh -A -i "~/.ssh/id_rsa" [email protected]

If you get the error Host key verification failed. you need to open your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and empty it
This error means that someone may have replaced the public instance with another one and is trying to trick you
Usually the simpler explanation is that you yourself or the local infrastructure admin have replaced the bastion
But be security minded and be careful

ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i "~/.ssh/id_rsa" [email protected]

ssm and aws_instance user_data have put a zipped up version of simtooreal on the instance for your convenience

cd /simtooreal

Run these commands on the private instance to setup and seed the database with data to your liking

export PGPASSWORD=<insert database password>
ansible-playbook -i hosts setup.yml
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='action toy'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='race car'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='candy bar'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='ice cream'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='big thing'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='small thing'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='doll'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='box'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_item.yml -e "item_name='envelope'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_robot.yml -e "robot_name='big robot'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_robot.yml -e "robot_name='little robot'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts insert_robot.yml -e "robot_name='optimus'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts item_picks.yml -e "item_name='candy bar'"
ansible-playbook -i hosts robot_picks.yml -e "robot_name='walle'"

Press ctrl+D twice when you setup the database to get back to your machine

Setup github secrets

Start a new repo in github called simtooreal
You want to initialize the simtooreal folder as a git repo

git init
git branch -m main

Make sure to setup ssh keys in github and locally using these instructions
Or use https
Push to github and setup your repo in github to allow actions

git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin main

Make sure you add AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID with a value of <your aws id> and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with a value of <your aws key> in your Github secrets, for example my secrets are found here

Set github workflows environment variables

I have my environment variables set in github workflow but you will need to put your own values in, my settings are found here

Run a Github action so that you can push an image to ECR and deploy automatically

When you are ready to zip up some of the scripts to put on the private instance run this command

rm simtooreal.tar.gz && rsync -a *.sql simtooreal && rsync -a *.py simtooreal && rsync -a *.yml simtooreal && rsync -a *.txt simtooreal && rsync -a topics.csv simtooreal && rsync -a Dockerfile simtooreal && rsync -a clf.joblib simtooreal && rsync -a templates simtooreal && rsync -a *.json simtooreal && tar -zcvf simtooreal.tar.gz simtooreal && rm -rf simtooreal

This also updates the version of simtooreal found on the private instance after you destroy an instance and re-run the terraform apply in terraform cloud

When you are ready to update your bastion make a new version with tar

tar -zcvf bastion.tar.gz bastion

Now you can update the bastion in the instance by running the terraform apply in terraform cloud again

Login to github and setup a repo under your username called simtooreal without a
Now on your local machine's terminal in the simtooreal folder initialize git and push your code to github

git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin<your github username>/simtooreal.git
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

Automated training and pushing of pickle file to github and then to ECS happens on the private instance

The data engine can turn every day by training on the AWS private instance as long as your github credentials are setup
Make sure to setup ssh keys in github and on the private instance in AWS using these instructions.
Or use https
After cloning the repo onto your private instance you can run the training automatically by starting a tmux session
Then you can set environment variables and run the command to train your model and update your pickle file

export PGPASSWORD=<insert database password> && export && export POSTGRESQL_USER_NAME=postgres && export POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=<insert database password>

It will repeate every 24 hours, automatically updating your models for inference, and pickle file history is kept in github


Demo of Terraform, Ansible, and GPT-3 in AWS






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