This repository contains the code for the project Fine-Tuning and Boosting AlexNet for Skin Lesion Classification. The primary objective is to classify skin lesions using an AlexNet-based deep learning architecture, fine-tuned with physical data augmentation techniques to enhance performance.
link to the competition :
Detailed report is in : IMA_205_Project_report_AlexNet_for_Skin_lesion_classification
Skin cancer, particularly malignant melanoma, is a significant health concern, accounting for the majority of skin cancer-related deaths. Early detection is crucial to improve patient outcomes. This project leverages a deep learning model, AlexNet, to classify different types of skin lesions from the ISIC dataset. The project involved extensive data preprocessing, augmentation, and fine-tuning of a pretrained AlexNet model to optimize classification performance.
- Utilize the ISIC dataset to train and fine-tune a neural network for skin lesion classification.
- Apply various data augmentation techniques to improve model generalization.
- Achieve efficient and accurate classification while minimizing computational resources.
- Training Set: 18,998 images
- Test Set: 6,333 images
- Classes: Melanoma, Melanocytic nevus, Basal cell carcinoma, Actinic keratosis, Benign keratosis, Dermatofibroma, Vascular lesion, Squamous cell carcinoma
- Hair Removal: Morphological closing and hysteresis thresholding to remove occlusions.
- Data Augmentation: Various transformations such as flipping, rotation, brightness adjustment, noise addition, and more to prevent overfitting and enhance model performance.
We used a modified AlexNet architecture for classification with 8 output classes. The architecture includes:
- Convolutional layers with ReLU activation
- Max Pooling
- Fully connected layers
- Softmax output for classification
The primary metric used for evaluation was Weighted Categorization Accuracy (WA), which considers class imbalance in the dataset.
- Initial model accuracy without augmentation: < 50%
- Final model accuracy after augmentation: 69%
- Ranking: 13th out of 80 in a school Kaggle competition
- Integration of metadata with image data.
- Time constraints and limited access to resources.
- Handling dataset instability due to the use of patches.
- Experimenting with alternative architectures like multi-class SVMs.
- Incorporating more metadata for further performance improvements.
- Python 3.12
- Libraries:
for data augmentation
Install dependencies using:
pip install -r requirements.txt