- Support both direct plotting and plotting SVG preview in browser (currently only works on mac)
- Support saving PNG and SVG to disk. e.g.
ecg_plot.plot(ecg, title='12L ekg'); ecg_plot.save_as_svg('example_ecg')
- Support customer defined lead order
- Support customer defined column count
- Input data should be m x n matrix, which m is lead count of ECG and n is length of single lead signal.
- Default sample rate is 500 Hz.
parameter | description |
ecg | m x n ECG signal data, which m is number of leads and n is length of signal. |
sample_rate | Sample rate of the signal. |
title | Title which will be shown on top off chart |
lead_index | Lead name array in the same order of ecg, will be shown on left of signal plot, defaults to ['I', 'II', 'III', 'aVR', 'aVL', 'aVF', 'V1', 'V2', 'V3', 'V4', 'V5', 'V6'] |
lead_order | Lead display order |
columns | display columns, defaults to 2 |
style | display style, defaults to None, can be 'bw' which means black white |
row_height | how many grid should a lead signal have |
show_lead_name | show lead name |
show_grid | show grid |
show_separate_line | show separate line |
import ecg_plot
ecg = load_data() # load data should be implemented by yourself
ecg_plot.plot(ecg, sample_rate = 500, title = 'ECG 12')
import ecg_plot
ecg = load_data() # load data should be implemented by yourself
ecg_plot.plot_1(ecg[1], sample_rate=500, title = 'ECG')
import ecg_plot
ecg = load_data() # load data should be implemented by yourself
ecg_plot.plot_12(ecg, sample_rate = 500, title = 'ECG 12')
git clone https://github.com/chenhaodev/sig-ecgplot-db ; cp sig-ecgplot-db/example-db/noisy_ekg_hrv_ge/* . ; cat Case106.part1.dat Case106.part2.dat Case106.part3.dat > Case106.dat ;
python ecg_plot1_ekg_30sec_cli.py Case106 0 30
#prepare dataset
cd examples/noisy_ekg_hrv_ge/ ;
git clone https://github.com/chenhaodev/sig-ecgplot-db ; cp sig-ecgplot-db/example-db/noisy_ekg_hrv_ge/Case127/* . ;
cat Case127.part1.dat Case127.part2.dat > Case127.dat ; rm Case127.part* ;
#ekg analysis
python step1_noise_spike_detect.py #detect noise
python step2_nn_intervals_gen.py #generate nn interval while skipping noise period.
python step3_nn_hist_analysis.py #analysis nn interval using GMM.
python step4_potential_arrhy.py > Case127.segment.list #identify potential arrhy segment.
sh clean.sh
#ekg plot (potential arrhy segment)
cp step5_segment_plot.py ../../ ; cp Case127.dat ../../ ; cp Case127.hea ../../ ; cp Case127.segment.list ../../ ; cd -
python step5_segment_plot.py Case127.segment.list 3 # it check all (on, off) in xxx.segment.list, and iteratively call eca_plot1_eka_30sec_cli() to plot 3rd channel EKG segments in png.