Build the docker image for Cartesi Virtual Machine (in host mode). Install the requirements by running the following commands
cd quantumblockchain
python3 -m venv .env
. .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, one uses frontend to send inputs. In a new terminal entire
cd frontend-console
Inputs are of the form {"gate":"H", "target":1}
If one wants to create Bell pair in the first two bits
yarn start input send --payload '{"gate":"H", "target":1}'
yarn start input send --payload '{"gate":"CX", "target":0, "control":1}'
If one wants to teleport the entangled first qubit to fourth position
yarn start input send --payload '{"gate":"TEL", "target":0, "control":3}'
We can perform arbitrary complicated quantum computations and finally Measure all. This would run the complete circuit on a quantum machine and return the output of our final computation.
yarn start input send --payload '{"gate":"MeasAll"}'
At each gate, the logger logs a TextImage of the circuit to keep track of the computations.