Pokemon in Discord!
Most interactions will take place through DMs, but inviting the bot to a server will still be nice for starting battles or trading with other players. Pokemon encounters are private, and can either be fights or catch attempts. The pokemon you find depend on where you are in the world, so completing the pokedex isn't just an RNG for 800 or so pokemon.
This bot is extremely early in development, so there's not much yet, but there are a lot of features planned out and in the works!
- basic command system
- help and pokedex commands
- good battle mechanics, which will try to emulate as many abilities and wacky move effects as feasibly possible
- Some basic world simulation, i.e. you move around regions and areas to find pokemon there
- IV/EV simulation, allowing you to train specific stats
This is a discord bot inspired by another discord bot called Pokécord, which lets you play pokemon in discord! I wasn't really satisfied with some of Pokécord's features though, and then it was shut down, so I decided to make my own bot.