For Project 1 of Udacity's Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree, we were tasked with teaching an agent to navigate a Unity environment where it must collect yellow bananas (reward +1) while avoiding blue bananas (reward -1). The Deep Q Network (DQN) algorithm is further explained in the accompanying Report.
To set up the python (conda) environment, in the root directory, type:
conda env update --file=environment_drlnd.yml
This requires installation of OpenAI Gym and Unity's ML-Agents.
To download the Unity environment for your OS, see the links on the Udacity Project Description.
Potential areas of the project to expand upon in future work is explored in the accompanying Report.
The key files in this repo include: Contains classes for QNetwork, Replay Buffer (Vanilla), Priority Replay Buffer (Priority Replay agent) and Noisy Linear (Rainbow agent) Contains Deep Q Network (DQN) agent classes for Vanilla, Double, Priority Replay, Dueling, A3C and Rainbow (work in progress). See for additional details on agent implementations. Contains functions to train in Unity and OpenAI environments, and to chart results. Execute this script to train in the environment(s) and agent(s) specified on this script in the environment and agent dictionaries, respectively.
To train the agent, in the command line run:
source activate drlnd
# to activate python (conda) environment
# to train the agent
Charts the results from specified results dictionary pickle file.
Contains the "checkpoint" model weights of each implementation.