WinIt code challenge
You need Node 8.10.0 and mongodb 3.4.10 to run this
Navigate inside the api directory then run npm install
to install node modules
you can edit the config file in api/config.js
module.exports = {
// configure mongodb port, address and dbname to use
db: {
'address': 'localhost',
'port': 27017,
'name': 'treedb'
// configure address and port the api is listenning to
'address': 'localhost',
'port': 8080
// configure the address and port the webapp will be launching requests from
'address': 'localhost',
'port': 3000
Launch the server by running node [path_to_index.js]
If you want to import a csv document run node with --import [path_to_your_csvfile]
//launch server and import trees.csv data
$ node index.js --import ./trees.csv
// or launch the server with data already in the database
$ node index.js
Navigate insite de front directory then run npm install
to install node modules
you can edit the api address the webapp will be using for requests from the config file in front/src/config.js
//example of configuration
export default {
api: {
address: 'localhost',
port: 8080,
To launch the app in development mode simply navigate to the front end directory then run npm start
To build the app in production mode navigate to the front end directory then run npm build
Now that the app have been built, you need to serve the build folder that have been created before
Easy way to serve:
$ npm install -g serve
$ serve -p [port] [build_folder]
Ran out of time in the implement the responsive design better, it currently is a little bit rushed. I also wanted to implement filters to get the closest tree using params (closest tree alive/dead, closest healthy tree etc..) but again ran out of time for that.